RCW 28A.330.010 Board president, vice president or president pro tempore—Secretary. At the first meeting of the members of the board they shall elect a president and vice president from among their number who shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors are elected. In the event of the temporary absence or […]
RCW 28A.330.020 Certain board elections, manner and vote required—Selection of personnel, manner. The election of the officers of the board of directors or to fill any vacancy as provided in *RCW 28A.315.530, and the selection of the school district superintendent shall be by oral call of the roll of all the members, and no person […]
RCW 28A.330.030 Duties of president. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings of the board, and to perform such other duties as the board may prescribe. [ 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28A.59.050. Prior: 1909 c 97 p 290 § 5; RRS § 4794. Formerly RCW 28A.59.050, 28.62.050.]
RCW 28A.330.040 Duties of vice president. It shall be the duty of the vice president to perform all the duties of president in case of the president’s absence or disability. [ 1990 c 33 § 343; 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28A.59.060. Prior: 1909 c 97 p 291 § 6; RRS § 4795. Formerly RCW […]
RCW 28A.330.050 Duties of superintendent as secretary of the board. In addition to the duties as prescribed in RCW 28A.400.030, the school district superintendent, as secretary of the board, may be authorized by the board to act as business manager, purchasing agent, and/or superintendent of buildings and janitors, and charged with the special care of […]
RCW 28A.330.060 Superintendent’s bond and oath. Before entering upon the discharge of the superintendent’s duties, the superintendent as secretary of the board shall give bond in such sum as the board of directors may fix from time to time, but for not less than five thousand dollars, with good and sufficient sureties, and shall take […]
RCW 28A.330.070 Office of board—Records available for public inspection. The board of directors shall maintain an office where all records, vouchers and other important papers belonging to the board may be preserved. Such records, vouchers, and other important papers at all reasonable times shall be available for public inspection. The regular meetings shall be held […]
RCW 28A.330.080 Payment of claims—Signing of warrants. Moneys of such school districts shall be paid out only upon orders for warrants signed by the president, or a majority of the board of directors and countersigned by the secretary: PROVIDED, That when, in the judgment of the board of directors, the orders for warrants issued by […]
RCW 28A.330.090 Auditing committee and expenditures. All accounts shall be audited by a committee of board members chosen in such manner as the board so determines to be styled the “auditing committee,” and, except as otherwise provided by law, no expenditure greater than three hundred dollars shall be voted by the board except in accordance […]
RCW 28A.330.100 Additional powers of board. Every board of directors of a school district of the first class, in addition to the general powers for directors enumerated in this title, shall have the power: (1) To employ for a term of not exceeding three years a superintendent of schools of the district, and for cause […]
RCW 28A.330.110 Insurance reserve—Funds. School districts of the first class, when in the judgment of the board of directors it be deemed expedient, shall have power to create and maintain an insurance reserve for said districts, to be used to meet losses specified by the board of directors of the school districts. Funds required for […]