RCW 28A.540.010 High school facilities defined. High school facilities shall mean buildings for occupancy by grades nine through twelve and equipment and furniture for such buildings and shall include major alteration or major remodeling of buildings and the acquisition of new sites and of additions to existing sites, and improvement of sites but only when […]
RCW 28A.540.020 Plan for nonhigh district to provide capital funds in aid of high school district. Upon receipt of a written request from the board of directors of a high school district or a nonhigh school district that presents to the regional committee on school district organization satisfactory evidence of a need for high school […]
RCW 28A.540.030 Factors to be considered in preparation of plan. The regional committee on school district organization shall give consideration to: (1) The report submitted by the board of directors as stated above; (2) The exclusion from the plan of nonhigh school districts because of remoteness or isolation or because they are so situated with […]
RCW 28A.540.040 Public hearing—Notice. The regional committee on school district organization shall also hold a public hearing or hearings on any proposed plan: PROVIDED, That three members of the committee or two members of the committee and the educational service district superintendent, or his or her designee, may be designated by the committee to hold […]
RCW 28A.540.050 Review by superintendent of public instruction—Approval—Revised plan. Subsequent to the holding of a hearing or hearings as provided in RCW 28A.540.040, the regional committee on school district organization shall determine the nonhigh school districts to be included in the plan and the amount of capital funds to be provided by every school district […]
RCW 28A.540.060 Bond, excess levy, elections—Use of proceeds. Within sixty days after receipt of the notice of approval from the educational service district superintendent, the board of directors of each school district included in the plan shall submit to the voters thereof a proposal or proposals for providing, through the issuance of bonds and/or the […]
RCW 28A.540.070 Rejection by voters of nonhigh districts—Additional elections—Revised plan—Annexation proposal. In the event that a proposal or proposals for providing capital funds as provided in RCW 28A.540.060 is not approved by the voters of a nonhigh school district a second election thereon shall be held within sixty days thereafter. If the vote of the […]
RCW 28A.540.080 Failure of nonhigh districts to submit proposal to vote within time limits—Annexation procedure. In case of failure or refusal by a board of directors of a nonhigh school district to submit a proposal or proposals to a vote of the electors within the time limit specified in RCW 28A.540.060 and 28A.540.070, the regional […]
RCW 28A.540.090 Nonhigh districts, time of levy and issuance of bonds. If the voters of a nonhigh school district approve an excess tax levy, the levy shall be made at the earliest time permitted by law. If the voters of a nonhigh school district approve the issuance of bonds, the board of directors of the […]
RCW 28A.540.100 Validation of proceedings under 1955 act, when. All proceedings had and taken under chapter 344, Laws of 1955, shall be valid and binding although not in compliance with that act if said proceedings comply with the requirements of this chapter. [ 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28A.56.170. Prior: 1959 c 262 § 11. […]
RCW 28A.540.110 Designation of high school district nonhigh district students shall attend—Effect when attendance otherwise. (1) In cases where high school students resident in a nonhigh school district are to be educated in a high school district, the board of directors of the nonhigh school district shall, by mutual agreement with the serving district(s), designate […]
RCW 28A.540.120 Condensed compliance reports—Second-class districts. Any compliance reporting requirements as a result of laws in this chapter that apply to second-class districts may be submitted in accordance with RCW 28A.330.250. [ 2011 c 45 § 43.] NOTES: Conflict with federal requirements—2011 c 45: See note following RCW 28A.330.250.