RCW 28B.105.010 GET ready for math and science scholarship program—Purpose—Awards. (1) The GET ready for math and science scholarship program is established. The purpose of the program is to provide scholarships to students who achieve level four on the mathematics or science portions of the high school statewide student assessment or achieve a score in […]
RCW 28B.105.020 Definitions. The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise. (1) “GET units” means tuition units under the advanced college tuition payment program in chapter 28B.95 RCW. (2) “Institution of higher education” has the same meaning as in RCW 28B.92.030(4) (a) and (b) (i) and (ii). (3) […]
RCW 28B.105.030 Eligibility. (1) An eligible student is a student who: (a) Is eligible for resident tuition and fee rates as defined in RCW 28B.15.012; (b) Achieved level four on the mathematics or science portion of the high school statewide student assessment or achieved a score in the math section of the SAT or the […]
RCW 28B.105.040 Changes in eligibility—Consequences. (1) If the student enrolls in a qualified program or declares a qualified major and the program or major is subsequently removed from the list of qualified programs and qualified majors by the office and the program administrator, the student’s eligibility to receive a GET ready for math and science […]
RCW 28B.105.050 Repayment obligation—Conditions. (1) A recipient of a GET ready for math and science scholarship incurs an obligation to repay the scholarship, with interest and an equalization fee, if he or she does not: (a) Graduate with a bachelor’s degree from a qualified program or in a qualified major within five years of first […]
RCW 28B.105.060 Office of the superintendent of public instruction—Duties. The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall: (1) Notify elementary, middle, junior high, high school, and school district staff and administrators, and the department of children, youth, and families about the GET ready for math and science scholarship program using methods in place for […]
RCW 28B.105.070 Office of student financial assistance—Duties. The office shall: (1) Purchase GET units to be owned and held in trust by the office, for the purpose of scholarship awards as provided for in this section; (2) Distribute scholarship funds, in the form of GET units or through direct payments from the GET ready for […]
RCW 28B.105.080 School districts—Duties. School districts shall: (1) Notify parents, teachers, counselors, and principals about the GET ready for math and science scholarship program through existing channels. Notification methods may include, but are not limited to, regular school district and building communications, online scholarship bulletins and announcements, notices posted on school walls and bulletin boards, […]
RCW 28B.105.090 Program administrator—Duties. The program administrator shall: (1) Solicit and accept grants and donations from private sources to match state funds appropriated for the GET ready for math and science scholarship program; (2) Develop and implement an application, selection, and notification process for awarding GET ready for math and science scholarships; (3) Notify institutions […]
RCW 28B.105.100 Office of student financial assistance and program administrator—Joint duties. The office and the program administrator shall jointly: (1) Determine criteria for qualifying undergraduate programs, majors, and courses leading to a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, science, or a related field, offered by institutions of higher education. The office shall publish the criteria for qualified […]
RCW 28B.105.110 GET ready for math and science scholarship account. (1) The GET ready for math and science scholarship account is created in the custody of the state treasurer. (2) The office shall deposit into the account all money received for the GET ready for math and science scholarship program from appropriations and private sources. […]