32.04.190 – Bank stabilization act.
RCW 32.04.190 Bank stabilization act. See chapter 30A.56 RCW.
RCW 32.04.190 Bank stabilization act. See chapter 30A.56 RCW.
RCW 32.04.200 Capital notes or debentures. See chapter 30A.36 RCW.
RCW 32.04.210 Saturday closing authorized. See RCW 30A.04.330.
RCW 32.04.211 Examinations directed—Cooperative agreements and actions. (1) The director, assistant director, or an examiner shall visit each savings bank at least once every eighteen months, and oftener if necessary, or as otherwise required by the rules and interpretations of applicable federal banking examination authorities, for the purpose of making a full investigation into the […]
RCW 32.04.220 Examination reports and other information—Confidential—Privileged—Penalty. (1) All examination reports and all information obtained by the director and the director’s staff in conducting examinations of savings banks, and information obtained by the director and the director’s staff from other state or federal bank regulatory authorities with whom the director has entered into agreements pursuant […]
RCW 32.04.250 Notice of charges—Reasons for issuance—Grounds—Contents of notice—Hearing—Cease and desist orders. (1) The director may issue and serve a notice of charges upon a savings bank when, in the opinion of the director: (a) It has engaged in an unsafe and unsound practice in conducting or in relation to its business; (b) It has […]
RCW 32.04.260 Temporary cease and desist orders—Reasons for issuance. (1) The director may also issue a temporary order requiring a savings bank or its holding company, or both, to cease and desist from any action or omission, as specified in RCW 32.04.250, or its continuation, which the director has determined: (a) Constitutes an unsafe and […]
RCW 32.04.270 Temporary cease and desist order—Injunction to set aside, limit, or suspend temporary order. (1) Within ten days after a savings bank or holding company has been served with a temporary cease and desist order, the savings bank or holding company may apply to the superior court in the county of its principal place […]
RCW 32.04.280 Violation of temporary cease and desist order—Injunction to enforce order. In the case of a violation or threatened violation of a temporary cease and desist order issued under RCW 32.04.260, the director may apply to the superior court of the county of the principal place of business of the mutual savings bank for […]
RCW 32.04.290 Administrative hearing provided for in RCW 32.04.250 or 32.16.093—Procedure—Order—Judicial review. (1) Any administrative hearing provided in RCW 32.04.250 or 32.16.093 must be conducted in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW and held at the place designated by the director, and may be conducted by the department. The hearing shall be private unless the director […]
RCW 32.04.300 Jurisdiction of courts as to cease and desist orders, orders to remove trustee, officer, or employee, etc. The director may apply to the superior court of the county of the principal place of business of the mutual savings bank affected for the enforcement of any effective and outstanding order issued under RCW 32.04.250 […]
RCW 32.04.310 Automated teller machines and night depositories security. Chapter 19.174 RCW applies to automated teller machines and night depositories regulated under this title. [ 1993 c 324 § 12.] NOTES: Effective date—1993 c 324: See RCW 19.174.900.
RCW 32.04.320 Director—Powers under chapter 19.144 RCW. The director or the director’s designee may take such action as provided for in this title to enforce, investigate, or examine persons covered by chapter 19.144 RCW. [ 2008 c 108 § 18.] NOTES: Findings—2008 c 108: See RCW 19.144.005.