RCW 38.12.010 Adjutant general—Bond. The governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint an adjutant general who shall be chief of staff to the governor, and may be removed by the governor at will. The adjutant general shall appoint the civilian employees and other personnel of the department and may remove any […]
RCW 38.12.015 Department organized into separate divisions—Army national guard—Air national guard—Assistant adjutants general. The adjutant general’s department shall be organized into separate divisions for the Washington army national guard and the Washington air national guard. Each division may have a general officer at its head who will be referred to as the assistant adjutant general […]
RCW 38.12.020 Powers and duties. The adjutant general shall: (1) Subject to the orders of the commander-in-chief, command the Washington national guard and recruit, train, maintain, and administer the organized militia of the state of Washington. (2) Supervise the preparation and submission of any records required by the federal government, the governor, or as otherwise […]
RCW 38.12.030 Adjutant general and assistant adjutants general—How chosen—Annual salaries—Members of judiciary eligible to serve in guard. Whenever a vacancy has occurred, or is about to occur in the office of the adjutant general, the governor shall order to active service for that position from the active list of the Washington army national guard or […]
RCW 38.12.060 Officers to be commissioned by the governor. All commissioned and warrant officers of the organized militia of Washington shall be appointed and commissioned or warranted by the governor only as hereinafter provided. No person shall be so appointed and commissioned or warranted unless he or she shall be a citizen of the United […]
RCW 38.12.070 Examining board. No person shall be appointed and commissioned or warranted to any office in the organized militia of Washington unless he or she shall have been examined and adjudged qualified therefor by an examining board, appointed by the adjutant general, and whose report shall have been approved by the authority appointing the […]
RCW 38.12.095 Appointment or promotion of commissioned officers to be made by officer promotion board—Exceptions. Whenever a commissioned officer is to be appointed or promoted either to fill a vacancy in the organized militia (Washington army national guard, Washington air national guard and the Washington state guard) or for any other reason, the officer to […]
RCW 38.12.105 Criteria and guidelines for promotion of commissioned officers. All promotions of commissioned officers in the organized militia will be made on a best-qualified basis. The officer promotion board will select the best-qualified officer for each promotion from among those officers fully qualified for promotion. To be promoted, the selected officer must also meet […]
RCW 38.12.115 Officer promotion board—Meetings—Powers and duties. The officer promotion board will meet from time to time as directed by the adjutant general. The board will select the best qualified officer for each promotion to be made in the organized militia, and will do any other act pertaining thereto directed by the adjutant general or […]
RCW 38.12.125 Officer promotion board—Composition. The officer promotion board shall be composed as follows: (1) For promotions of army national guard officers, the adjutant general must appoint a board that includes at least five voting members who are officers in the army national guard senior in grade to those officers being considered by the board […]
RCW 38.12.135 Officer promotion board—Official acts—Approval requirements—Rules. To be an official act of the officer promotion board, an act of that board must be approved by not less than four of the members of the board: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, That if the board consists of less than four officers, the approval of the board shall be […]
RCW 38.12.150 Officer to take oath. Every officer, duly commissioned or warranted shall within such time as may be provided by law or by regulations, take the oath of office prescribed by law, and give bond, if required. In case of neglect or refusal so to do, the officer shall be considered to have resigned […]
RCW 38.12.160 Oath, form of. The oath of office for commissioned and warrant officers in the organized militia of Washington shall be substantially as follows: “I, . . . . . ., do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the state of Washington, against all enemies, foreign or […]
RCW 38.12.170 Termination of officers’ membership—Review of retention potential. The governor may terminate the membership of any commissioned or warrant officer of the organized militia of Washington for any of the following reasons: (1) Conviction of an infamous crime; (2) Absence from his or her command for more than thirty days without proper leave; (3) […]
RCW 38.12.180 Retirement of officers. Commissioned officers of the organized militia of Washington shall be retired by order of the commander-in-chief with the rank respectively held by them at the time of such retirement for the following reasons: (1) Unfitness for military service by reason of permanent physical disability. (2) Upon request after at least […]
RCW 38.12.200 Uniform allowance to officers. Every commissioned officer of the organized militia of Washington shall, within sixty days from the date of the order whereby he or she shall have been appointed, provide at the officer’s own expense the uniform and equipment prescribed by the governor for his or her rank and assignment. There […]