RCW 46.12.720 Buying, selling, etc. with numbers removed, altered, etc.—Penalty. Whoever knowingly buys, sells, receives, disposes of, conceals, or has knowingly in his or her possession any vehicle, watercraft, camper, or component part thereof, from which the manufacturer’s serial number or any other distinguishing number or identification mark has been removed, defaced, covered, altered, or […]
RCW 46.12.725 Seizure and impoundment—Notice to interested persons—Release to owner. (1) Any vehicle, watercraft, camper, or any component part thereof, from which the manufacturer’s serial number or any other distinguishing number or identification mark has been removed, defaced, covered, altered, obliterated, or destroyed, may be impounded and held by the seizing law enforcement agency for […]
RCW 46.12.730 Disposition authorized, when. Unless a claim of ownership to the article or articles is established pursuant to RCW 46.12.735, the law enforcement agency seizing the vehicle, watercraft, camper, or component part thereof may dispose of them by destruction, by selling at public auction to the highest bidder, or by holding the article or […]
RCW 46.12.735 Hearing—Appeal—Removal to court—Release after ruling. (1) Any person may submit a written request for a hearing to establish a claim of ownership or right to lawful possession of the vehicle, watercraft, camper, or component part thereof seized pursuant to this section. (2) Upon receipt of a request for hearing, one shall be held […]
RCW 46.12.740 Release without hearing. The seizing law enforcement agency may release the article or articles impounded pursuant to this section to the person claiming ownership without a hearing pursuant to RCW 46.12.735 when such law enforcement agency is satisfied after an appropriate investigation as to the claimant’s right to lawful possession. If no hearing […]
RCW 46.12.745 Assignment of new number. An identification number shall be assigned to any article impounded pursuant to RCW 46.12.725 in accordance with the rules promulgated by the department of licensing prior to: (1) The release of the article from the custody of the seizing agency; or (2) The use of the article by the […]