RCW 46.61.005 Chapter refers to vehicles upon highways—Exceptions. The provisions of this chapter relating to the operation of vehicles refer exclusively to the operation of vehicles upon highways except: (1) Where a different place is specifically referred to in a given section. (2) The provisions of RCW 46.52.010 through 46.52.090, 46.61.500 through 46.61.525, and 46.61.5249 […]
RCW 46.61.015 Obedience to police officers, flaggers, or firefighters—Penalty. (1) No person shall willfully fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of any duly authorized flagger or any police officer or firefighter invested by law with authority to direct, control, or regulate traffic. (2) A violation of this section is a […]
RCW 46.61.020 Refusal to give information to or cooperate with officer—Penalty. (1) It is unlawful for any person while operating or in charge of any vehicle to refuse when requested by a police officer to give his or her name and address and the name and address of the owner of such vehicle, or for […]
RCW 46.61.021 Duty to obey law enforcement officer—Authority of officer. (1) Any person requested or signaled to stop by a law enforcement officer for a traffic infraction has a duty to stop. (2) Whenever any person is stopped for a traffic infraction, the officer may detain that person for a reasonable period of time necessary […]
RCW 46.61.022 Failure to obey officer—Penalty. Any person who wilfully fails to stop when requested or signaled to do so by a person reasonably identifiable as a law enforcement officer or to comply with RCW 46.61.021(3), is guilty of a misdemeanor. [ 1979 ex.s. c 136 § 5.] NOTES: Rules of court: Bail in criminal […]
RCW 46.61.024 Attempting to elude police vehicle—Defense—License revocation. (1) Any driver of a motor vehicle who willfully fails or refuses to immediately bring his or her vehicle to a stop and who drives his or her vehicle in a reckless manner while attempting to elude a pursuing police vehicle, after being given a visual or […]
RCW 46.61.025 Persons riding animals or driving animal-drawn vehicles. Every person riding an animal or driving any animal-drawn vehicle upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this chapter except those provisions of this chapter which […]
RCW 46.61.030 Persons working on highway right-of-way—Exceptions. Unless specifically made applicable, the provisions of this chapter except those contained in RCW 46.61.500 through 46.61.520 shall not apply to persons, motor vehicles and other equipment while engaged in work within the right-of-way of any highway but shall apply to such persons and vehicles when traveling to […]
RCW 46.61.035 Authorized emergency vehicles. (1) The driver of an authorized emergency vehicle, when responding to an emergency call or when in the pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law or when responding to but not upon returning from a fire alarm, may exercise the privileges set forth in this section, but […]