Sections 51.04.1101 Performance audit of workers’ compensation claims management system. [2011 1st sp.s. c 37 § 801.] Expired December 31, 2015. 51.04.140 Year 2000 failure — No interest or penalties for failure to pay premium. [1999 c 369 § 4.] Expired December 31, 2006.
Sections 51.08.080 “Engineering work.” [1961 c 23 § 51.08.080. Prior: 1957 c 70 § 10; prior: 1939 c 41 § 2, part; 1929 c 132 § 1, part; 1927 c 310 § 2, part; 1921 c 182 § 2, part; 1919 c 131 § 2, part; 1917 c 120 § 1, part; 1911 c 74 […]
Sections 51.12.015 Maintenance and service employees. [1951 c 246 § 1.] Declared unconstitutional in Rourke v. Department of Labor and Industries, 41 Wn.2d 310; and subsequently repealed by 1961 c 23 § 51.98.040. 51.12.030 Inclusion of unenumerated occupations. [1961 c 23 § 51.12.030. Prior: 1955 c 74 § 4; prior: 1947 c 281 § 1, […]
Sections 51.16.010 Enabling provision for establishing premium rates — Quarterly payments. [1961 c 23 § 51.16.010. Prior: 1959 c 308 § 13; 1957 c 70 § 53; prior: (i) 1947 c 247 § 1, part; 1931 c 104 § 1, part; 1927 c 310 § 3, part; 1923 c 136 § 1, part; 1919 c […]
Sections 51.18.900 Severability-1999 c 7. [1999 c 7 § 10.] Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.
Sections 51.20.005 Classifications established. [1961 c 23 § 51.20.005. Prior: 1947 c 247 § 1, part; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 7676b, part. Formerly RCW 51.20.010.] Repealed by 1972 ex.s. c 43 § 39. 51.20.010 Class 1. [1961 c 23 § 51.20.010. Prior: 1947 c 247 § 1, part; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 7676b, part. Formerly […]
Sections 51.24.010 Right of action against third party — Intervention and subrogation rights of department or self-insurer — Compromise and settlement. [1973 1st ex.s. c 154 § 93; 1971 ex.s. c 289 § 37; 1961 c 274 § 7; 1961 c 23 § 51.24.010. Prior: 1957 c 70 § 23; prior: 1939 c 41 § […]
Sections 51.28.021 Physician assistants aid in applications for compensation — Limitations — Rules. [2004 c 163 § 1.] Expired July 1, 2007, pursuant to 2004 c 163 § 4.
Sections 51.32.005 “Child” defined. [1969 ex.s. c 77 § 2; 1961 c 23 § 51.32.005. Prior: 1951 c 115 § 6.] Repealed by 1975 1st ex.s. c 224 § 19. 51.32.070 Additional payments for prior pensioners — Personal attendant. [1973 1st ex.s. c 154 § 97; 1973 c 147 § 2; 1971 ex.s. c 289 […]
Sections 51.40.010 Medical aid contracts authorized. [1977 ex.s. c 350 § 61; 1961 c 23 § 51.40.010. Prior: 1939 c 50 § 1, part; 1927 c 310 § 9, part; 1921 c 182 § 12, part; 1919 c 129 § 5, part; 1917 c 28 § 15, part; RRS § 7724, part.] Repealed by 1977 […]
Sections 51.41.005 Intent. [1983 c 70 § 1.] Repealed by 1985 c 339 § 5. 51.41.010 Declaration of policy. [1982 c 63 § 1.] Repealed by 1985 c 339 § 5. 51.41.020 “Qualified injured worker” defined. [1982 c 63 § 2.] Repealed by 1985 c 339 § 5. 51.41.030 Office of rehabilitation review — Created […]
Sections 51.44.034 Supplemental pension fund — Transfer of remaining moneys and liabilities to fund. [1971 ex.s. c 289 § 19.] Decodified pursuant to 1983 c 3 § 160.
Sections 51.48.015 Employer’s failure to secure payment of compensation. [1971 ex.s. c 289 § 62.] Repealed by 1997 c 324 § 2. 51.48.070 Employer’s responsibility for safeguard. [1980 c 14 § 14. Prior: 1977 ex.s. c 350 § 72; 1977 ex.s. c 323 § 24; 1961 c 23 § 51.48.070; prior: 1911 c 74 § […]
Sections 51.60.010 Findings — Intent. [1994 c 29 § 1.] Expired June 30, 1999, pursuant to 1994 c 29 § 8. 51.60.020 First pilot project to reduce long-term disability rate. [1994 c 29 § 2.] Expired June 30, 1999, pursuant to 1994 c 29 § 8. 51.60.030 Second pilot project to reduce long-term disability rate. […]
Sections 51.98.080 Severability-1972 ex.s. c 43. [1972 ex.s. c 43 § 38.] Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.