RCW 53.31.010 Legislative findings—Intent. It is declared to be the public policy of the state to promote and preserve the economic well-being of the citizens of this state by creating opportunities for expanded participation in international trade by state businesses and expanding international trade through state ports. Increased international trade of state products creates and […]
RCW 53.31.020 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. (1) “Port district” means any port district other than a countywide port district in a county with a population of two hundred ten thousand or more, established under Title 53 RCW. (2) “Export services” means the following […]
RCW 53.31.030 Export trading companies—Authorized—Adoption of business plan. (1) Public port districts, formed under chapter 53.04 RCW are authorized to establish export trading companies and a company so formed may contract with other public ports, financial institutions, freight forwarders, and public or private concerns within or outside the state to carry out the purposes of […]
RCW 53.31.040 Export trading companies—Powers—Formation—Dissolution. (1) For the purpose of promoting international trade, export trading companies formed under this chapter may provide export services through: (a) Holding and disposing of goods in international trade; (b) Taking title to goods. All such activities engaged in or pursued by an export trading company shall be charged for […]
RCW 53.31.050 Confidentiality of records supplied by private persons. All financial and commercial information and records supplied by private persons to an export trading company with respect to export projects shall be kept confidential unless such confidentiality shall be waived by the party supplying the information or by all parties engaged in the discussion. [ […]
RCW 53.31.060 Certificate of review under federal export trading company act—Authorized. An export trading company may apply for and hold a certificate of review provided for under 15 U.S.C. Secs. 4001 through 4021, the federal export trading company act of 1982. [ 1986 c 276 § 6.]