53.47.010 – Purpose.
RCW 53.47.010 Purpose. This chapter shall provide an additional method by which inactive port districts may be dissolved. [ 1971 ex.s. c 162 § 1.]
RCW 53.47.010 Purpose. This chapter shall provide an additional method by which inactive port districts may be dissolved. [ 1971 ex.s. c 162 § 1.]
RCW 53.47.020 Port district deemed inactive, when. A port district shall be deemed inactive if, at the time of the filing of the petition for dissolution with the clerk of the superior court of the county in which such port district is situated, such port has failed to comply with subdivision (1), (2), or (3) […]
RCW 53.47.030 Petition for dissolution—Filing—Contents. The county prosecutor of the county in which such port district is located acting upon his or her own motion shall file such petition for dissolution with the clerk of the superior court of the county in which such inactive port district is located. Such petition shall: (1) Describe with […]
RCW 53.47.040 Hearing on petition—Notice, publication—Creditor claims, determination—Terms and conditions of court order if district to be dissolved. The superior court, upon the filing of such petition, shall set such petition for hearing not less than one hundred twenty days and not more than one hundred eighty days after the date of filing said petition. […]
RCW 53.47.050 Effect of final order of dissolution. Upon the entry of the final order of dissolution declaring the port district dissolved all offices of the port district shall be deemed abolished, and no other or further levy shall be certified by the county commissioners except pursuant to the directive of the court as hereinabove […]
RCW 53.47.900 Chapter cumulative and nonexclusive. The provisions of this chapter shall be cumulative and nonexclusive and shall not affect any other remedy. [ 1971 ex.s. c 162 § 6.]