RCW 67.38.010 Purpose. The legislature finds that expansion of a cultural tourism would attract new visitors to our state and aid the development of a nonpolluting industry. The creation or renovation, and operation of cultural arts, stadium and convention facilities benefiting all the citizens of this state would enhance the recreational industry’s ability to attract […]
RCW 67.38.020 Definitions. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, for the purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply: (1) “Cultural arts, stadium and convention district,” or “district,” means a quasi municipal corporation of the state of Washington created pursuant to this chapter. (2) “Component city” means an incorporated city within a public cultural […]
RCW 67.38.030 Cultural arts, stadium and convention district—Creation. (1) The process to create a cultural arts, stadium and convention district may be initiated by: (a) The adoption of a resolution by the county legislative authority calling for a public hearing on the proposed creation of such a district and delineating proposed boundaries of the district; […]
RCW 67.38.040 Multicounty district—Creation. A joint hearing by the legislative authorities of two or more counties on the proposed creation of a cultural arts, stadium and convention district including areas within such counties may be held as provided herein: (1) The process to initiate such a hearing shall be identical with the process provided in […]
RCW 67.38.050 Governing body. The number of persons on the governing body of the district and how such persons shall be selected and replaced shall be included in the resolution of the county legislative authority providing for the submittal of the proposition to create the district to the voters. Members of the governing body may […]
RCW 67.38.060 Comprehensive plan—Development—Elements. The cultural arts, stadium and convention district, as authorized in this chapter, shall develop a comprehensive cultural arts, stadium and convention plan for the district. Such plan shall include, but not be limited to the following elements: (1) The levels of cultural arts, stadium and convention services that can be reasonably […]
RCW 67.38.070 Comprehensive plan—Review—Approval or disapproval—Resubmission. The comprehensive cultural arts, stadium and convention plan adopted by the district shall be reviewed by the *department of community, trade, and economic development to determine: (1) Whether the plan will enhance the progress of the state and provide for the general welfare of the population; and (2) Whether […]
RCW 67.38.080 Annexation election. An election to authorize the annexation of contiguous territory to a cultural arts, stadium and convention district may be submitted to the voters of the area proposed to be annexed upon the passage of a resolution of the governing body of the district. Approval by simple majority vote shall authorize such […]
RCW 67.38.090 District as quasi municipal corporation—General powers. A cultural arts, stadium and convention district is a quasi municipal corporation, an independent taxing “authority” within the meaning of Article VII, section 1, of the state Constitution, and a “taxing district” within the meaning of Article VII, section 2, of the state Constitution. A district shall […]
RCW 67.38.100 Additional powers. The governing body of a cultural arts, stadium and convention district shall have the following powers in addition to the general powers granted by this chapter: (1) To prepare, adopt and carry out a general comprehensive plan for cultural arts, stadium and convention service which will best serve the residents of […]
RCW 67.38.110 Issuance of general obligation bonds—Maturity—Excess levies. To carry out the purpose of this chapter, any cultural arts, stadium and convention district shall have the power to issue general obligation bonds for capital purposes only, not to exceed an amount, together with any outstanding nonvoter approved general obligation indebtedness equal to three-eighths of one […]
RCW 67.38.115 Community revitalization financing—Public improvements. In addition to other authority that a cultural arts, stadium, and convention center district possesses, a cultural arts, stadium, and convention center district may provide any public improvement as defined under RCW 39.89.020, but this additional authority is limited to participating in the financing of the public improvements as […]
RCW 67.38.120 Revenue bonds—Issuance, sale, term, payment. (1) To carry out the purposes of this chapter, the cultural arts, stadium and convention district shall have the power to issue revenue bonds: PROVIDED, That the district governing body shall create or have created a special fund or funds for the sole purpose of paying the principal […]
RCW 67.38.130 Cultural arts, stadium and convention district tax levies. The governing body of a cultural arts, stadium and convention district may levy or cause to levy the following ad valorem taxes: (1) Regular ad valorem property tax levies in an amount equal to twenty-five cents or less per thousand dollars of the assessed value […]
RCW 67.38.140 Contribution of sums for limited purposes. The county or counties and each component city included in the district collecting or planning to collect the hotel/motel tax under chapter 67.28 RCW may contribute such revenue in such manner as shall be agreed upon between them, consistent with this chapter and chapter 67.28 RCW. [ […]
RCW 67.38.150 Treasurer and auditor—Bond—Duties—Funds—Depositaries. Unless the cultural arts, stadium and convention district governing body, by resolution, designates some other person having experience in financial or fiscal matters as treasurer of the district, the treasurer of the county in which a cultural arts, stadium and convention district is located shall be ex officio treasurer of […]
RCW 67.38.160 Dissolution and liquidation. A cultural arts, stadium and convention district established in accordance with this chapter shall be dissolved and its affairs liquidated by either of the following methods: (1) When so directed by a majority of persons in the district voting on such question. An election placing such question before the voters […]