RCW 79.13.600 Findings—Salmon stocks—Grazing lands—Coordinated resource management plans. The legislature finds that many wild stocks of salmonids in the state of Washington are in a state of decline. Stocks of salmon on the Columbia and Snake rivers have been listed under the federal endangered species act, and the bull trout has been petitioned for listing. […]
RCW 79.13.610 Grazing lands—Fish and wildlife goals—Technical advisory committee—Implementation. (1) By December 31, 1993, the department of fish and wildlife shall develop goals for the wildlife and fish that this agency manages, to preserve, protect, and perpetuate wildlife and fish on shrub steppe habitat or on lands that are presently agricultural lands, rangelands, or grazable […]
RCW 79.13.620 Purpose—Ecosystem standards. (1) It is the purpose of chapter 163, Laws of 1996 that all state agricultural lands, grazing lands, and grazeable woodlands shall be managed in keeping with the statutory and constitutional mandates under which each agency operates. Chapter 163, Laws of 1996 is consistent with section 1, chapter 4, Laws of […]