§ 14-1-26.1. Temporary custody of status and non-offenders. A juvenile taken into custody at a state, municipal, or college police department for an offense that would not be classified as criminal if committed by an adult, or non-offender juveniles, such as dependent or neglected children, shall be held for identification, investigation, and processing purposes only […]
§ 14-1-27. Temporary detention in public or private institutions. (a) Subject to § 14-1-11, provision may be made by the family court for the temporary detention of children at the training school for youth or in the custody of the director of the department of children, youth and families. The court may authorize the temporary […]
§ 14-1-28. Transfer of cases from other courts. If, during the pendency of a criminal or quasi-criminal charge against any person in any other court it shall be ascertained that the person was under the age of eighteen (18) years at the time of committing the alleged offense, it shall be the duty of the […]
§ 14-1-29. Times and places of hearings. The court shall designate suitable times and places for the hearing of all matters arising within its jurisdiction and may sit at any other times and places within the state that the court may seem best adapted to the carrying out of the purposes of this chapter. Hearings […]
§ 14-1-3. Definitions. The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be construed as follows: (1) “Adult” means a person eighteen (18) years of age or older. (2) “Appropriate person,” as used in §§ 14-1-10 and 14-1-11, except in matters relating to adoptions and child marriages, means […]
§ 14-1-30. Conduct of hearings. In the hearing of any case, the general public shall be excluded; only an attorney or attorneys, selected by the parents or guardian of a child to represent the child, may attend, and only those other persons shall be admitted who have a direct interest in the case, and as […]
§ 14-1-30.1. Compelling evidence in hearings — Immunity. In the hearing of any case in which a child is alleged to be delinquent or wayward, if a person refuses to answer a question or produce other evidence of any kind on the ground that he or she may be incriminated by it, or if a […]
§ 14-1-30.2. Foster parents — Notice of court proceedings. The department of children, youth and families shall provide notice to foster parents, pre-adoptive parents or relatives providing care for a child of any review or hearing to be held with respect to a child in the care of the department. The foster parents, pre-adoptive parents […]
§ 14-1-31. Services of public defender. Prior to the commencement of any hearing, the justice shall advise the parent or guardian of any child, or the adult involved, as the case may be, that if he or she is financially unable to engage counsel, he or she is entitled to the services of the public […]
§ 14-1-32. Power of court to order disposition of child. If the court finds that a child is delinquent, wayward, neglected, dependent, or otherwise within the provisions of this chapter, it may by order duly entered proceed as follows: (1) The court may place the child on probation or under supervision in his or her […]
§ 14-1-32.1. Juvenile victim restitution program. (a) If a judge of the family court finds that a child is delinquent, wayward, or otherwise within the provisions of this chapter, and places the child on probation, he or she shall, where appropriate, require the child to compensate the victim for losses due to the act of […]
§ 14-1-32.2. Administration of program — Payment for services. The family court shall be responsible for the administration of the restitution program, shall oversee and coordinate all local community based juvenile restitution programs, and shall process and make all payments to children who are required to perform community restitution in lieu of other public or […]
§ 14-1-32.3. Appropriations. The general assembly shall appropriate one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) for support and maintenance of the pilot juvenile restitution program; and the state controller is authorized and directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of that appropriation or so much of it as may […]
§ 14-1-32.4. Family counseling for drug or alcohol related offenses. If the court finds that a child is delinquent or wayward for any violation of the Rhode Island Controlled Substances Act, chapter 28 of title 21, the court may order the child, his or her parent(s), guardian(s), and/or other lawful custodian(s) to participate in a […]
§ 14-1-33. Supervision of child placed on probation. (a) Whenever the court places a child on probation, the court may do so upon any terms and conditions, not inconsistent with law, that the court may deem best for the welfare of the child, but unless otherwise ordered by the court, a probation counselor may make […]
§ 14-1-34. Placement of dependent and neglected children — Criminal records of foster parents made available. (a) If, after a hearing on any petition, a child shall be found to be dependent or neglected within the meaning of this chapter, the court shall by decree assign the custody of the child to the director of […]
§ 14-1-35. Guardianship of agency to which child entrusted — Adoption proceedings. In the event that the court shall award a dependent or neglected child to the custody of the department of children, youth, and families, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the child shall, unless otherwise ordered, become a ward and be […]
§ 14-1-35.1. Child advocate as guardian of estate of child in certain circumstances — Plan for disbursement of funds. (a) Subject to the provisions of § 14-1-35, the office of the child advocate shall be the guardian of the estate of any child for whose benefit a judgment for compensation or order approving a settlement […]
§ 14-1-36. Commitment of delinquent and wayward children. (a) In all proceedings under this chapter, the court may order a delinquent or wayward child to be committed to the training school for youth for a sentence no longer than the youth’s nineteenth birthday. However, nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prohibit the […]
§ 14-1-36.1. Release from training school. (a) No child sentenced to the training school for youth, after being found delinquent or wayward, shall be released prior to the end of his or her sentence unless authorized by a justice of the family court, after a hearing with due notice to the parties to the petition […]