§ 16-13-1. “Teacher” defined. The term “teacher” as used in this chapter means every person for whose position a certificate issued by the department of elementary and secondary education is required by law. History of Section.P.L. 1946, ch. 1775, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 16-13-1.
§ 16-13-2. Annual contract basis — Automatic continuation. (a) Teaching service shall be on the basis of an annual contract, except as hereinafter provided, and the contract shall be deemed to be continuous unless the governing body of the schools shall notify the teacher, in writing, on or before March 1, that the contract for […]
§ 16-13-3. Probationary period — Tenure after probation. (a) Three (3) annual contracts within five (5) successive school years shall be considered evidence of satisfactory teaching and shall constitute a probationary period. Teachers who complete the probationary period shall be considered in continuous service and shall not be subject to annual renewal or nonrenewal of […]
§ 16-13-4. Statement of cause for dismissal — Hearing — Appeals — Arbitration. (a) The statement of cause for dismissal shall be given to the teacher, in writing, by the governing body of the schools. The teacher may, within fifteen (15) days of the notification, request, in writing, a hearing before the school committee or […]
§ 16-13-5. Suspension for cause — Payment for period suspended. (a) Section 16-13-4 shall not prevent the suspension of a teacher for good and just cause. Prior to the suspension of a teacher as provided in this section, the school committee shall hold a pre-suspension hearing to determine if a suspension is warranted, and at […]
§ 16-13-6. Suspension because of decrease in school population — Seniority — Reinstatement. (a) A school board may, by reason of a substantial decrease of pupil population within its school system, suspend teachers in numbers necessitated by the decrease in pupil population; provided, however, that suspension of teachers shall be in the inverse order of […]
§ 16-13-7. Continuity unimpaired by military service. Absence from teaching because of serving one’s country shall not impair the continuing service status. History of Section.P.L. 1946, ch. 1775, § 7; G.L. 1956, § 16-13-7.
§ 16-13-8. Continuity of tenure upon transfer. Any teacher in continuing service who voluntarily resigns and transfers to another community in Rhode Island without interrupting his or her professional career, shall be considered to remain under tenure unless the teacher is notified to the contrary, in writing, prior to March 1 of the second school […]
§ 16-13-9. Termination for cause — List maintained. (a) Whenever a tenured teacher is terminated for good and just cause pursuant to § 16-13-3 by a school committee or the governing body of a charter or private school, the school committee or the governing body of the charter or private school shall, within sixty (60) […]