§ 16-3-1. Purpose of chapter. The purpose of this chapter is to assist communities within the state to operate schools on a more efficient and economic basis through the development of regional school districts and to enhance the services of the schools in line with present day needs. History of Section.P.L. 1958, ch. 197, § […]
§ 16-3-10. Acceptance by voters — Establishment of regional school district. If a majority of the voters voting on the question in each of the several cities or towns shall vote in the affirmative to accept this chapter, the provisions of this chapter shall apply, and the proposed regional school district shall be deemed to […]
§ 16-3-11. School committees of regional school districts — Powers and duties. (a) A regional school district established under the provisions of § 16-3-10 shall be a body politic and corporate with all the powers and duties conferred by law upon school committees and with the following additional powers and duties: (1) To adopt a […]
§ 16-3-12. Regional school district financial meeting — Special meetings. (a) The regional school district financial meeting to which all the voters qualified to vote in their respective cities or towns on any proposition for the imposition of a tax or the expenditure of money shall be held on the first Monday in February of […]
§ 16-3-13. Powers of regional school district financial meeting. The regional school district financial meeting shall determine the regional school district budget as to overall amounts, the decision as to the levying of taxes covering the functions of the regional school district, the purchase of land and the construction of buildings, the extension of the […]
§ 16-3-14. Regional representatives. In cities and towns that do not have a regional school district financial meeting, the regional school committee or an alternative mechanism approved by the board of regents for elementary and secondary education shall determine the regional school district budget as to overall amounts, the purchase of land, and the construction […]
§ 16-3-15. Moderator and clerk. The moderator of the regional school district financial meeting shall be the chairperson of the regional school district committee and the clerk of the meeting shall be the clerk of the regional school district committee. History of Section.P.L. 1958, ch. 197, § 1.
§ 16-3-16. Operation expenses. The school district financial meeting or the regional representatives under the provisions of § 16-3-14 shall not be subject to tax limitations for operational purposes except as specifically provided in the agreement. History of Section.P.L. 1958, ch. 197, § 1; P.L. 1988, ch. 336, § 5.
§ 16-3-17. Capital outlay debt limitation. The regional school district financial meeting or regional representatives under the provisions of § 16-3-14 shall be subject to the statutory debt limit for incurring debt for capital outlay purposes in those regional school districts embracing all the educational functions of the area to ten percent (10%) of the […]
§ 16-3-18. Transfer and use of plant. In any instance where the regional school district embraces functions formerly performed by towns and cities within their borders which require the utilization of a plant, the plant shall be transferred to the regional school district or rented by it, and if transferred the regional school district shall […]
§ 16-3-19. Costs of operation — Payment of debts — Apportionment among district members. (a)(1) The cost of the operation of a regional school district and the cost of payment of an indebtedness of the regional school district authorized by the regional school district financial meeting or regional representatives under the provisions of § 16-3-14 […]
§ 16-3-2. Purposes of regional school district schools. Regional school districts may be organized for the establishment of schools for the purposes enumerated in this section: (1) To operate all schools and educational services; (2) To operate elementary or secondary schools; (3) To operate vocational or technical schools; (4) To operate a community college; and […]
§ 16-3-20. Appropriations by member towns. (a) Each city or town that is a member of a regional school district shall annually appropriate a sum sufficient to pay its proportionate share of the interest on the bonds and notes issued and outstanding under authority of this chapter, and also to pay its proportionate share of […]
§ 16-3-21. Payments by members. The town or city treasurer of each town or city of the regional school district shall forward to the regional school district treasurer on July 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1 one-fourth (¼) of the amount due for the operation of the regional school district for the fiscal […]
§ 16-3-22. Regional school fiscal year. The regional school district fiscal years shall begin on July 1. History of Section.P.L. 1958, ch. 197, § 1.
§ 16-3-23. Repealed. History of Section.P.L. 1958, ch. 197, § 1; Repealed by P.L. 1960, ch. 27, § 12.
§ 16-3-24. Additional state assistance. In the event the general assembly shall enact legislation providing for financial assistance to cities and towns for school construction or for assisting the cities and towns in servicing the debt already incurred for the construction of schools, any regional school district shall be entitled to share in the aid […]
§ 16-3-25. Districts organized prior to 1959. (a) A regional school district organized prior to January 1, 1959, shall be governed by the provisions of the act establishing it and the provisions of this chapter not inconsistent with it. (b) Amendments to the date of financial district meetings shall not be considered inconsistent with acts […]
§ 16-3-26. Appropriation for regionalization studies. The cost of conducting the studies required under § 16-3-3.1 shall be borne by an annual state appropriation. The commissioner of elementary and secondary education shall establish regulations necessary to implement this section. History of Section.P.L. 1988, ch. 336, § 6.
§ 16-3-3. Regional school educational services. Regional school districts formed under the provisions of this chapter to operate any one of the types of schools listed in § 16-3-2 may establish any one or more of the following types of services for all the pupils of the regional school district if so specified in the […]