Section 2-1-1 – — 2-1-4. [Superseded.]
§ 2-1-1 — 2-1-4. [Superseded.]
§ 2-1-1 — 2-1-4. [Superseded.]
§ 2-1-10. Inspection powers. (a) For the purpose of conducting inspections, the director of environmental management and the director of health, or any of his or her agents or deputies, have authority to enter, at any reasonable time, any building, storehouse, warehouse, cold-storage plant, packing house, stockyard, railroad yard, railroad car, or any other building […]
§ 2-1-10.1. Assent to food safety modernization act. The state of Rhode Island assents to the provisions of the act of Congress entitled “FDA Food Safety Modernization Act,” 21 U.S.C. § 2201 et seq., and the director of environmental management is authorized, empowered, and directed to perform those acts relating to produce on the farm […]
§ 2-1-11. Administration of oaths — Subpoena of witnesses and papers. The director of environmental management and the director of health have the power to administer oaths, summon and examine witnesses and order the production and examination of books, accounts, papers, records and documents in any proceeding within the jurisdiction of these directors. All subpoenas, […]
§ 2-1-12. Enforcement of provisions — Prosecutions. It is the duty of the director of environmental management and the director of health to enforce the provisions of §§ 2-1-8 — 2-1-12 and to prosecute every person, firm or corporation violating the provisions. If in the judgment of the directors any person, firm or corporation has […]
§ 2-1-13 — 2-1-17. Repealed.
§ 2-1-5. Agricultural institutes — Local associations. The director of environmental management shall hold one agricultural institute in each county annually, either independently or in connection with any society, association, or other organization devoted to the same general objects, and may hold as many more as he or she deems expedient, and, as far as […]
§ 2-1-6. Annual report — Publications. The director of environmental management shall report annually to the general assembly at its January session. Two thousand (2,000) copies of the report shall be printed under the direction of the department of administration. The director shall distribute one copy of the report to each member of the general […]
§ 2-1-7. [Obsolete.]
§ 2-1-8. Promotion of Rhode Island grown farm products and Rhode Island seafood. The director of environmental management shall establish and administer a program to promote the marketing of Rhode Island seafood and farm products grown and produced in Rhode Island for the purpose of encouraging the development of the commercial fishing and agricultural sectors […]
§ 2-1-9. Enforcement of marketing laws. It is the duty of the director of environmental management to assist in the enforcement of the provisions of §§ 2-1-8 — 2-1-12, chapter 6 of this title and chapters 17 and 18 of title 21, and the provisions of any rule or regulations promulgated by the director of […]