§ 2-12-1. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter: (1) “Authorized representative” means anyone recognized and/or appointed and/or commissioned by the director of the department of natural resources to exercise and pursue the laws, rules and regulations intended by this chapter. (2) “Authorized senior officer” means a member of a fire organization who is authorized […]
§ 2-12-10. Fire upon land of another — Penalty — Liability for damages. (a) Any person being upon the land of another, or upon any highway adjacent to this land, who carelessly sets or maintains, or causes to be set or maintained, fire upon the land of another, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a […]
§ 2-12-11. Fire fighting by fire chiefs and senior officers — Summons of assistance. If a fire occurs in woodland, the fire chief, and the senior officer of the district in which the fire occurs, shall immediately take any measures that may be necessary, including backfiring and plowing, to control or extinguish the fire, and […]
§ 2-12-12. Posting of statutory provisions. Notices containing a statement of §§ 2-12-6, 2-12-8, 2-12-10 — 2-12-12, and § 2-12-19, furnished by the director of the department of environmental management, shall be posted in suitable places by the fire chief. History of Section.G.L. 1956, § 2-12-12; P.L. 1970, ch. 124, § 4.
§ 2-12-13. Proclamation of hazardous conditions — Closing of forests. (a) Whenever in his or her opinion an unusual forest fire hazard exists, the director of environmental management shall notify the governor, who has the authority to forbid by proclamation, any person or persons entering forests, woodlands or open lands in any parts of the […]
§ 2-12-14. Closing of fishing and hunting seasons during drought. Whenever during an open season for the hunting of any kind of game, or for fishing for any kind of fish, it appears to the governor that by reason of extreme drought the presence of hunters and persons fishing is likely to cause forest fires, […]
§ 2-12-15. Emergency powers of director. Whenever, in his or her opinion, an unusual forest fire hazard exists, the governor shall in writing, notify the director of environmental management, and shall likewise notify the director when in his or her opinion the hazard has ceased to exist. Between the dates of the receipt by him […]
§ 2-12-16. Compensation of emergency fire fighters. Between the dates the state shall, upon vouchers approved by the director of environmental management and out of the appropriation provided for by § 2-11-11, pay fully, at the rate of the existing minimum wage per hour as set by the minimum wage law, all persons not resident […]
§ 2-12-17. Right of fire fighters and officials to enter land. No action of trespass shall lie against any person crossing or working upon the land of another to extinguish fire or to the director of environmental management or his or her representatives from crossing or working upon lands of another to investigate fire. History […]
§ 2-12-18. Disposition of fines — Limitation of prosecutions. All fines recovered by virtue of this chapter and chapter 11 of this title shall be equally divided between the complainant and the forest fire district in which the offense was committed, and all prosecutions shall be commenced within three (3) years after the commission of […]
§ 2-12-19. Enforcement and prosecutions. It is the duty of the director of the department of environmental management or his or her duly authorized representative to enforce the provisions of this chapter and chapter 11 of this title and to prosecute any person, firm or corporation who, in his or her opinion, is guilty of […]
§ 2-12-2. Fire fighting equipment. The director of environmental management may purchase any special forest fire equipment and supplies that in his or her judgment may be necessary to promptly and quickly extinguish forest fires occurring in the more heavily wooded areas of the state, and the equipment and supplies shall be located in each […]
§ 2-12-20. Civil liability of dump operator. Every person, firm, corporation or public agency who maintains a dump on owned, rented or leased property is liable in a civil action for the payment to the state or fire company for the expenses incurred by the fire chief or senior officer, or any other authorized forest […]
§ 2-12-21. Collection of fire suppression charges. (a) In lieu of any civil action that may be brought for the payment to the state or fire company for expenses incurred by a fire chief or senior officer, or authorized forest fire official in attending and suppressing a forest fire, the director of the department of […]
§ 2-12-3. Lookout stations and appropriations. (a)(1) For the purpose of protecting the forests from fire, the director of environmental management may expend, within the amount appropriated, a sum sufficient to establish, equip and maintain lookout stations, may purchase or lease necessary land and purchase material, contract for the construction of lookout stations, employ a […]
§ 2-12-4. Conferences of fire chiefs and senior officers. The director of environmental management may, from time to time, call together the city or town and district fire chiefs and senior officers of the several cities and towns at places as he or she may designate, for conference and for instruction in methods of forest […]
§ 2-12-5. Rules and regulations. The director of the department of environmental management may make any rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, that in his or her judgment may be helpful in carrying out the provisions of this chapter and of preventing and suppressing forest fires. History of Section.G.L. 1956, § 2-12-5; P.L. 1970, […]
§ 2-12-6. Restrictions on open air fires. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no person shall burn any flammable material on or adjacent to forest land without a written permit from the director of the department of environmental management or, his or her authorized representative, on forms prepared and under rules and regulations approved […]
§ 2-12-7. Exemption of attended fires. The provisions of § 2-12-6 do not apply to fires set or maintained in accordance with regulations approved by the director of the department of environmental management or his or her duly authorized representative, or to any act that may be done under authority given to any incorporated fire […]
§ 2-12-8. Enforcement. The director of environmental management or any employee of the department authorized by him or her has the powers and is subject to the duties and obligations specified in chapter 7 of title 12 in dealing with any violations of the provisions of chapters 9, 10, 11, 12 and 15 of title […]