§ 2-13-1. Ratification of compact — Text. The governor having entered on behalf of this state into a compact, substantially in the following form, with one or more of the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont and with such other states of the United States or provinces of the Dominion […]
§ 2-13-10. Audit of commission’s books. The controller of the state of Rhode Island is authorized and empowered from time to time to examine the accounts and books of the commission, including its receipts, disbursements and any other items referring to its financial standing that the controller deems proper and to report the results of […]
§ 2-13-2. Effective date as to future ratifications. When the compact is ratified by any of the states of the United States that may legally join in the compact in accordance with the constitution and laws of that state or by any of the provinces of the dominion of Canada, in accordance with the laws […]
§ 2-13-3. Filing of notices of ratification and consent. The original notice of ratification received from the governor or other authorized official of any state or province joining in the compact shall be filed with the official copy of the compact in the office of the secretary of state of this state, and the notice, […]
§ 2-13-4. Appointment of commissioners. The governor shall designate and appoint three (3) members, called commissioners, of the northeastern forest fire protection commission. One of those commissioners shall always be the director of environmental management or an officer holding an equivalent position who is responsible for forest fire control, the second shall be a state […]
§ 2-13-5. Compensation of commissioners. Each member of the commission shall receive his or her expenses actually and necessarily incurred by him or her in the performance of his or her duties and ten dollars ($10.00) per day as compensation, except that any member of the commission employed by the state of Rhode Island shall […]
§ 2-13-6. Powers of commission. There is granted to the commission and the commissioners all powers provided for in the compact and all the powers necessary or incidental to the carrying out of the compact. All officers of the state of Rhode Island are authorized and directed to do all things necessary or incidental to […]
§ 2-13-7. Forest fire plan. The commission shall formulate and put into effect a forest fire plan and integrate the forest fire plan with the regional plan recommended by the compact commission. The plan shall include a reasonable effort to establish and maintain any adequate forest fire fighting services that are consistent with the requirements […]
§ 2-13-8. Commission’s powers supplemental. Any powers granted to the commission shall be regarded as in aid of and supplemental to and in no case a limitation upon any of the powers vested in the commission by other laws of the state of Rhode Island or by the laws of the states signatory to the […]
§ 2-13-9. Fiscal accounts — Annual reports and recommendations. The commission shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and shall report to the governor and the legislature of the state of Rhode Island on or before the 10th day of January in each year, setting forth in detail the transactions conducted by it […]