US Lawyer Database

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Section 2-20-1. – Appointment of city and town surveyors and measurers.

§ 2-20-1. Appointment of city and town surveyors and measurers. The city and town councils of all cities and towns where boards, plank, timber, joist and scantling are imported for sale shall annually, on or before the first day of March, appoint one or more surveyors and measurers of boards, plank, timber, joist and scantling, […]

Section 2-20-10. – Application of chapter to city and town surveyors.

§ 2-20-10. Application of chapter to city and town surveyors. Every surveyor and measurer of boards, planks, timber, joist and scantling, appointed by the city or town council of any city or town or by the council of the city of Newport, shall be subject to all the duties, provisions and penalties contained in this […]

Section 2-20-11. – Imported lumber subject to survey.

§ 2-20-11. Imported lumber subject to survey. All lumber brought by water or imported, discharged or delivered in this state, whether on the land or into a boat or vessel, except as provided in this chapter, shall be surveyed and measured according to the provisions of this chapter. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 135, § […]

Section 2-20-12. – Measurement of thin boards.

§ 2-20-12. Measurement of thin boards. All boards less than three-fourths (¾) of an inch thick shall be surveyed and measured in the same manner as to quality, quantity and numbers, as though they were of the thickness of one inch (1″). History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 135, § 11; G.L. 1909, ch. 161, § […]

Section 2-20-13. – Planks and joists.

§ 2-20-13. Planks and joists. All planks and joists shall be surveyed as to quality and numbers the same as boards and their contents measured and marked in board measure. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 135, § 12; G.L. 1909, ch. 161, § 12; G.L. 1923, ch. 191, § 12; G.L. 1938, ch. 388, § […]

Section 2-20-14. – Measurement of mahogany and cedar.

§ 2-20-14. Measurement of mahogany and cedar. (a) In the survey and measurement of mahogany and cedar timber, there shall be allowed: (1) If the timber is sound and free from wane, two (2) inches on one side of the square, one inch on the other side and two (2) inches in length; (2) If […]

Section 2-20-15. – Grading of soft pine.

§ 2-20-15. Grading of soft pine. In the surveying of soft pine boards there shall be six (6) sorts: (1) The first sort shall be denominated number 1 and marked I, and includes boards free from sap, rot, knots, shakes and splits, not less than one inch thick, square-edged, and contains not less than sixteen […]

Section 2-20-16. – Grading of hard pine, spruce, hemlock, and juniper.

§ 2-20-16. Grading of hard pine, spruce, hemlock, and juniper. In the survey of southern hard pine, spruce, hemlock and juniper boards, planks and sawed and hewed timber, there shall be two (2) sorts: (1) The first sort shall be denominated merchantable, and shall include all boards, planks, joists and timber that are sound and […]

Section 2-20-17. – Grading of mahogany, cedar, and cherry.

§ 2-20-17. Grading of mahogany, cedar, and cherry. In the survey and measurement of mahogany, cedar and cherry-tree boards, planks and joists and other ornamental wood and lumber, that are sound and free from bad knots and shakes shall be denominated merchantable, all others shall be denominated refuse, and allowance shall be made for rot […]

Section 2-20-18. – Grading of other hard woods.

§ 2-20-18. Grading of other hard woods. In the survey of ash, maple and other hardwood boards, planks, joists and timber, there are two (2) sorts: The first sort is denominated merchantable and shall include all boards, planks, joists and timber that are sound and free from bad knots and free from shakes and rot; […]

Section 2-20-19. – Marking of measure.

§ 2-20-19. Marking of measure. In the survey of all boards, planks, joists and timber, the contents of this lumber in board measure shall be marked on this lumber in plain and durable numbers, and all other marks, if not correct, shall be erased. In marking the contents of any lumber, the board measure marks […]

Section 2-20-2. – Deputies for measurement of hardwood and ship timber.

§ 2-20-2. Deputies for measurement of hardwood and ship timber. The surveyor of lumber for any city or town may appoint one or more deputy surveyors, whose duty it is to survey mahogany, cedar and cherry tree boards, planks, joists and timber, and other ornamental or hardwood lumber, and ship timber, and the deputy shall […]

Section 2-20-20. – Marking of grades.

§ 2-20-20. Marking of grades. The merchantable lumber shall be marked Λ and the refuse lumber shall be marked λ and shall be plainly and durably marked on each piece. Deduction shall be made for splits, not exceeding in any case one-half (½) the extent of the split. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 135, § […]

Section 2-20-21. – Sale according to grading and measurement.

§ 2-20-21. Sale according to grading and measurement. All boards, planks, joists and timber shall be received and sold according to their contents, as fixed and marked under the provisions of this chapter. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 135, § 20; G.L. 1909, ch. 161, § 20; G.L. 1923, ch. 191, § 20; G.L. 1938, […]

Section 2-20-22. – Survey fees.

§ 2-20-22. Survey fees. There shall be paid for the survey of all lumber, excepting hard woods, twenty-five cents (25¢) per one thousand feet (1,000′) board measure, for mahogany, cedar and cherry-tree timber, boards, planks and joists, fifty cents (50¢) per one thousand feet (1,000′) board measure, for oak and other hard woods, for ship […]

Section 2-20-23. – Fees retained by surveyor.

§ 2-20-23. Fees retained by surveyor. There shall be paid to the surveyor, of the fees provided for in this chapter, for his or her own use, three cents (3¢) on every one thousand feet (1,000′) of pine, spruce, hemlock and juniper boards, planks, joists and sawed timber, four cents (4¢) on every ton of […]

Section 2-20-24. – Survey on land.

§ 2-20-24. Survey on land. No lumber shall be surveyed on board a vessel when the lumber can be conveniently landed for the inspection of the surveyors. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 135, § 23; G.L. 1909, ch. 161, § 23; G.L. 1923, ch. 191, § 23; G.L. 1938, ch. 388, § 23; G.L. 1956, […]

Section 2-20-26. – Importation or purchase for private use.

§ 2-20-26. Importation or purchase for private use. Every person importing or purchasing lumber for his or her own private use and benefit, upon giving a certificate to that effect to the surveyor, is not required to have the lumber surveyed and measured but if he or she should dispose of it in any other […]

Section 2-20-27. – Trans-shipments exempt.

§ 2-20-27. Trans-shipments exempt. No person purchasing lumber outside of the state and trans-shipping the lumber through this state to any other state, is required to have the lumber surveyed and measured. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 135, § 26; G.L. 1909, ch. 161, § 26; G.L. 1923, ch. 191, § 26; G.L. 1938, ch. […]