§ 20-9-1. Assent to wildlife restoration projects. The state of Rhode Island assents to the provisions of the act of Congress entitled “An Act to Provide that the United States Shall Aid the States in Wildlife Restoration Projects, and for Other Purposes”, 16 U.S.C. § 669 et seq., and the director of environmental management is […]
§ 20-9-2. Disbursements for restoration projects. The state controller is authorized and directed to draw orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of any sums as may be required for the purposes of § 20-9-1, upon receipt by the controller of proper vouchers duly authenticated and approved by the chief of the division of […]
§ 20-9-3. Assent to fish restoration and management projects. The state of Rhode Island assents to the provisions of the act of Congress, entitled “An Act to Provide that the United States Shall Aid the States in Fish Restoration and Management Projects, and for Other Purposes”, 16 U.S.C. § 777 et seq., and the division […]
§ 20-9-4. Appropriations for fish restoration projects. The general assembly shall annually appropriate any sum as it may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of § 20-9-3, and the state controller is authorized and directed to draw orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of that sum, or so much as may be […]
§ 20-9-5. Power of department preserved. Nothing in §§ 20-9-1 — 20-9-4, shall be construed to divest the department of environmental management of any power or authority vested in the department. History of Section.P.L. 1981, ch. 197, § 3.