§ 21-16-1. Violations or deception as to religious dietary laws by dealers in meats. A person, firm, or corporation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor: (1) Who shall knowingly sell or expose for sale any meat or meat preparation, either raw or prepared for human consumption, and falsely represent it to be kosher or as […]
§ 21-16-2. Violations and deception by restaurants. A person, firm, or corporation who shall knowingly sell or expose for sale in any restaurant or other place where food products are sold for consumption on the premises any article of food or food preparation falsely represented as kosher or as having been prepared in accordance with […]
§ 21-16-3. False labeling as to fitness for Passover. A person, firm, or corporation who shall stamp or label or cause to be stamped or labeled any can, jar, package, or other container of food or food preparation, falsely representing these to be kosher for Passover use or as having been prepared for Passover use […]
§ 21-16-4. Penalties — Prosecution of violations. A person, firm, or corporation convicted of violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall, for the first offense, be punished by a fine in the sum of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) and not more than three hundred dollars ($300) and for the second and […]