§ 23-19-1. Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation Act”. History of Section.P.L. 1974, ch. 176, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 23-46.1-1; P.L. 1979, ch. 39, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 23-19-1; P.L. 1996, ch. 303, § 2.
§ 23-19-1.1. Mission statement. The Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation shall provide the utmost in protection of public health and the environment while working towards having no impacts on the quality of life in the surrounding neighborhoods. The corporation shall set an example of being a good neighbor by minimizing the impacts of its operations […]
§ 23-19-10. General powers and duties. The corporation shall have all of the powers necessary and convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this chapter, including but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the power to: (1) Sue and be sued in its own name; (2) Have an official seal […]
§ 23-19-10.1. Construction of gas pipelines. The corporation shall have the same rights and liabilities as public utilities when installing gas pipelines along or under interstate highways in the state including those rights and liabilities outlined in chapters 8 and 12 of title 24 and § 39-1-2. History of Section.P.L. 1984, ch. 373, § 1.
§ 23-19-10.2. Solid waste disposal facilities — Sites — Eminent domain. (a) The Rhode Island resource recovery corporation shall operate only those public solid waste disposal facilities that shall comply with § 23-18.9-9.1. Sites shall be selected after demonstration of maximizing the use of source reduction, reuse, recycling, flow control techniques, evaluation of alternative sites, […]
§ 23-19-10.3. Highway construction — Eminent domain. Subject to the limitations set forth in § 23-19-10.2(b)(2), the corporation shall have the right to acquire any land, or any interest in the land, by the exercise of the power of eminent domain, whenever it shall be determined by the corporation that the acquisition of the land, […]
§ 23-19-11. Planning requirements. Planning responsibilities of the corporation shall include, but not be limited to: (1) The preparation of a statewide resource recovery system development plan which will indicate the location, type, and size of solid waste management facilities, including without limitation, transfer stations, waste processing facilities, and ultimate disposal facilities which may be […]
§ 23-19-11.1. Initial resource recovery system development plan. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 23-19-11, in view of current solid waste disposal needs in the state, the corporation shall implement a solid waste processing system as soon as possible conforming to the following criteria: (1) The system shall consist of a waste processing facility that may […]
§ 23-19-11.2. Improvements of the central landfill. (a) Under the initial resource recovery system set forth in § 23-19-11.1, it will be necessary to continue to use the central landfill in Johnston for a significant portion of the state’s solid waste. In order to minimize the impact on the community of the use of the […]
§ 23-19-11.3. Central landfill — Water quality and public health. (a) The corporation shall be committed to completion of appropriate studies of the ground and surface water under and adjacent to the central landfill to determine whether and to what extent contamination from the central landfill may affect water quality or public health, and to […]
§ 23-19-11.4. Initial resource recovery facilities. In view of the criticality of the solid waste disposal problem in the state, the procurement of the statutorily mandated Central Falls resource recovery facilities included in the initial resource recovery system shall not be subject to the provisions of chapter 2 of title 37. History of Section.P.L. 1990, […]
§ 23-19-12. Powers of the department of health and the department of environmental management. Nothing else contained in this chapter shall be construed to affect the powers granted to the department of health and the department of environmental management pursuant to chapters 1 and 18.9 of this title as amended. Further, any solid waste facilities […]
§ 23-19-13. Municipal participation in state program. (a)(1) Any person or municipality which intends to transfer, treat, or dispose of solid waste originating or collected within the state, or which intends to make arrangements to do so, shall utilize, exclusively, a system or facility designated by the corporation as provided under this chapter. All transfer […]
§ 23-19-13.1. Disposal of solid waste originating outside the state prohibited — Rules and regulations. (a) No person, firm, corporation, transfer station, or any other commercial entity engaged in the business of collecting, disposing, sorting, separating, recycling, processing, manufacturing, or remanufacturing of solid waste shall deposit or cause to be deposited solid waste that is […]
§ 23-19-13.2. Disposal of infectious and pathological waste. (a) No resource recovery system or facility made available by the corporation shall accept or burn any infectious or human or animal pathological waste from any hospital, clinic, medical laboratory, nursing home, medical examiner, or teaching hospital. Any facility violating this provision shall be fined not less […]
§ 23-19-13.3. Prohibiting business due to conviction of certain acts. Any person, firm, or corporation engaged in the business of collecting and/or disposing of solid waste, which has been convicted of violating any statute relating to bribery, fraud, or bid-rigging in this state or in any other state in this country, shall for a period […]
§ 23-19-13.4. Host community assessment committee — Definition — Funding — Powers and duties. (a) All applicants shall within seven (7) days from the date of the filing for a solid waste disposal license, notify the chief elected official or the chief executive officer of the municipality in which the facility is proposed to be […]
§ 23-19-13.5. Interim rates. The municipal tipping fee charged by the resource recovery corporation shall be as follows: (1) Thirty-two dollars ($32.00) per ton from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2015, for any municipality that recycles between zero percent (0%) and twenty-four and ninety-nine hundredths percent (24.99%) of its solid waste at the Corporation’s […]
§ 23-19-13.6. Cover materials not permitted. (a) No resource recovery system or facility made available by the corporation shall use the following as material to cover compacted solid waste at a sanitary landfill: (1) Construction and demolition debris, whole, shredded, or pulverized, including wood (including painted, treated, and coated wood and wood products), land-clearing debris, […]
§ 23-19-14. Bonds and notes of the corporation. (a) The corporation shall have the power and is authorized to issue from time to time its negotiable bonds and notes in one or more series in principal amounts that in the opinion of the corporation shall be necessary to provide sufficient funds for achieving its purposes, […]