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Home » US Law » 2022 Rhode Island General Laws » Title 23 - Health and Safety » Chapter 23-26 - Bedding and Upholstered Furniture

Section 23-26-1. – Definitions.

§ 23-26-1. Definitions. The following words, as used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, shall have the following meanings: (1) “Bedding” or “article of bedding” includes upholstered furniture and filling material or its container (as herein defined) and any mattress, pillow, cushion, quilt, bedpad, comforter, upholstered spring bed, box spring, davenport or day […]

Section 23-26-10. – Sale of unattached tags.

§ 23-26-10. Sale of unattached tags. No manufacturer or vendor shall deliver to any person any tags required by this chapter, unless it is affixed or attached to an article as required in this chapter; except that the director may, on application, permit the delivery of unattached tags. History of Section.P.L. 1940, ch. 820, § […]

Section 23-26-11. – Counterfeit stamps and registrations.

§ 23-26-11. Counterfeit stamps and registrations. No person shall have in his or her possession or shall make, use, or sell any counterfeit or colorable imitation of the inspection stamp or registration required by this chapter. Each counterfeited or imitated stamp or registration made, used, sold, offered for sale, delivered, or consigned for sale contrary […]

Section 23-26-12. – Sterilization registrations.

§ 23-26-12. Sterilization registrations. Any sterilization process, before being used in connection with this chapter, must receive the approval of the director. Every person, firm, or corporation desiring to operate the sterilization process shall first obtain a numbered registration from the director and shall not operate the process unless the registration is kept conspicuously posted […]

Section 23-26-13. – Contents of tag on bedding articles for sale.

§ 23-26-13. Contents of tag on bedding articles for sale. Every article of bedding made for sale, sold, or offered for sale shall have attached thereto a tag which shall state the name of the material used, that the material used is new, or second-hand and, when required to be sterilized, that the material has […]

Section 23-26-14. – Contents of tag on articles renovated for owner.

§ 23-26-14. Contents of tag on articles renovated for owner. Every remade or renovated article of bedding not for sale, but for return to the owner for his or her own use, shall have attached thereto a tag which, in addition to the statements otherwise required by this chapter, shall state the name and address […]

Section 23-26-15. – Contents of tag on shipments of filling material.

§ 23-26-15. Contents of tag on shipments of filling material. Any shipment or delivery, however contained, of material used for filling articles of bedding shall have firmly and conspicuously attached thereto a tag that shall state the name of the maker, preparer, or vendor, and the address of the maker, preparer, or vendor; the name […]

Section 23-26-19. – Manner of attaching tags.

§ 23-26-19. Manner of attaching tags. Tags shall be prominently and securely attached to articles of bedding in such manner as the director may require. History of Section.P.L. 1940, ch. 820, § 3; P.L. 1945, ch. 1660, § 2; G.L. 1956, § 23-26-19.

Section 23-26-20. – Form of tags.

§ 23-26-20. Form of tags. Whenever a tag is required by this chapter, it shall be approved by the director and shall be made of muslin, linen, or other material of like durability and shall be the same color stock throughout. Paper faced tags shall not be used. For designating all new material, the tag […]

Section 23-26-21. – Repealed.

§ 23-26-21. Repealed. History of Section.P.L. 1940, ch. 820, § 4; G.L. 1956, § 23-26-21; Repealed by P.L. 1960, ch. 187, § 3.

Section 23-26-22. – Contents of inspection stamps.

§ 23-26-22. Contents of inspection stamps. Inspection stamps shall bear the seal of the state of Rhode Island and such other matter as the director may require. History of Section.P.L. 1940, ch. 820, § 4; G.L. 1956, § 23-26-22.

Section 23-26-23. – Acceptance of inspection stamps of other states.

§ 23-26-23. Acceptance of inspection stamps of other states. Inspection stamps of the same value issued by another state shall be accepted in this state in lieu of the stamps required by this chapter, when attached to an article of bedding, before shipment from the other state, upon satisfactory proof to the director that the […]

Section 23-26-24. – Inspection powers — Confiscation.

§ 23-26-24. Inspection powers — Confiscation. Every place, where articles of bedding are made, remade, or renovated, or materials therefore are prepared or sterilized, or where the articles or materials are sold, shall be subject to inspection by the director who shall have the power to inspect the manufacture and sale or delivery of all […]

Section 23-26-26. – Appeal of director’s decisions.

§ 23-26-26. Appeal of director’s decisions. Any person aggrieved by the action of the director in denying an application for a registration, or in revoking or suspending any registration, or by any order or decision of the director, shall have the right to appeal to the supreme court and the procedure in case of the […]

Section 23-26-27. – Penalty for violations.

§ 23-26-27. Penalty for violations. Any person who: (1) Makes, remakes, renovates, sterilizes, prepares, sells, or offers for sale, exchange, or lease any article of bedding as defined by § 23-26-1, not properly tagged as required by this chapter; or (2) Uses in the making, remaking, renovating, or preparing of the article of bedding or […]