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Home » US Law » 2022 Rhode Island General Laws » Title 23 - Health and Safety » Chapter 23-4.7 - Informed Consent for Abortion

Section 23-4.7-1. – “Abortion” defined.

§ 23-4.7-1. “Abortion” defined. “Abortion” for the purpose of this chapter means administering to a woman, known to be pregnant, any medicine, drug, substance, or thing whatever, or the employment upon her of any instrument or means whatever, with intent to terminate a pregnancy. The term shall not include the administering of any medicine, drug, […]

Section 23-4.7-2. – Informed written consent required.

§ 23-4.7-2. Informed written consent required. In order to insure that a woman’s consent to abortion is truly informed consent, an abortion shall be performed only after the woman has given her consent, in writing, in a form satisfying the provisions of § 23-4.7-5. History of Section.P.L. 1982, ch. 323, § 2.

Section 23-4.7-3. – Required disclosures.

§ 23-4.7-3. Required disclosures. (a) Either the physician who is to perform the abortion or his or her authorized agent or another physician or his or her authorized agent shall: (1) Inform the woman that she is pregnant and inform her of the estimated gestational age of the fetus at the time of the disclosure. […]

Section 23-4.7-4. – Emergency requiring immediate action.

§ 23-4.7-4. Emergency requiring immediate action. Where there is an emergency requiring immediate action, the requirements of this chapter may be waived. The woman’s attending physician shall certify in writing in the patient’s medical record that an emergency exists and the medical basis for his or her opinion. History of Section.P.L. 1982, ch. 323, § […]

Section 23-4.7-5. – Consent form.

§ 23-4.7-5. Consent form. (a) The woman’s written consent required by § 23-4.7-2 shall be on a form provided by the physician or facility and containing: (1) The disclosures required by § 23-4.7-3; and (2) The woman’s acknowledgment that either the physician who is to perform the abortion or his or her authorized agent or […]

Section 23-4.7-6. – Minors — Parental consent — Judicial proceedings.

§ 23-4.7-6. Minors — Parental consent — Judicial proceedings. Except in the case of a minor who has been found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be emancipated, if a pregnant woman is less than eighteen (18) years of age and has not married, an abortion shall not be performed upon her unless both […]

Section 23-4.7-7. – Liability of physician.

§ 23-4.7-7. Liability of physician. Any physician who knowingly violates the requirements of this chapter shall be deemed to have engaged in “unprofessional conduct” for the purposes of § 5-37-5.1. The willful failure to provide the woman with the substance of the information pursuant to the requirements of § 23-4.7-3 shall be prima facie evidence […]

Section 23-4.7-8. – Severability.

§ 23-4.7-8. Severability. If any section or provision of this chapter or the application of any section or provision is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other sections, provisions, or applications, and to this end the sections and provisions of this chapter are declared severable. History of Section.P.L. 1982, ch. 323, § 2.