§ 28-6.10-1. Statement of policy. It is declared to be the public policy of this state to foster the employment of all individuals in the state including temporary employees working for any employment agency, placement service, training school or center, labor organization, or any other employee referring source and to safeguard their right to obtain […]
§ 28-6.10-2. Definitions. When used in the chapter: (1) “Employment agency” includes any person undertaking with or without compensation to procure opportunities to work, or to procure, recruit, refer, or place employees. (2) “Labor organization” includes any organization that exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of collective bargaining or of dealing with […]
§ 28-6.10-3. Job description notification. (a) Before any temporary employee is given any new job assignment regardless if the assignment is with the same contracting company, employment agencies shall provide the temporary employee with a copy of a written notice that includes a job description with classification requirements, estimated longevity of the assignment, information concerning […]
§ 28-6.10-4. Penalty for violations. Upon determining that an employment agency has violated the provisions of § 28-6.10-3, the department of labor and training shall send a written notice of the violation to the employment agency containing a description of the fines prescribed in this section. Any employment agency determined by the department to have […]