§ 29-2-1. Appropriations for Rhode Island Historical Society. The general assembly shall annually appropriate such a sum as it may deem necessary out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended by the state librarian for the purpose of caring for, preserving, and cataloguing the property of the state in the […]
§ 29-2-2. Appropriations for Newport Historical Society. The general assembly shall annually appropriate such a sum as it may deem necessary, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended by the state librarian for the purpose of caring for, preserving, and cataloguing the property of the state in the keeping […]
§ 29-2-3. Disbursement of appropriated funds. The state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of these sums, or so much thereof as may be required, upon his or her receipt of proper vouchers approved by the state librarian and the secretary of […]
§ 29-2-4. Use of historical society libraries. All books, periodicals, and papers in the keeping of the Rhode Island Historical Society and the Newport Historical Society, shall at all reasonable times be open to the use of all the citizens of the state, under the same conditions pertaining to the members of the society as […]
§ 29-2-5. Reports on expenditures. (a) The Rhode Island Historical Society and the Newport Historical Society, respectively, shall place on file with the state librarian annual reports as to the manner in which the funds are expended, as long as funds are appropriated in accordance with §§ 29-2-1, 29-2-2, and 29-2-3. (b) The Rhode Island […]
§ 29-2-6. Appropriations for purchase, microfilming, and binding of newspapers. The general assembly shall annually appropriate such a sum as it may deem necessary, to be expended by the state librarian for the purchase, microfilming, and binding of newspapers published in this state, the copies to be received by the state librarian and to be […]