§ 31-24-1. Times when lights required. (a) Every vehicle upon a highway within this state at any time from sunset to sunrise and at any other time when windshield wipers are in use, as a result of rain, sleet, snow, hail or other unfavorable atmospheric condition, or at any other time when there is not […]
§ 31-24-10. Rear reflectors required. Every new motor vehicle sold and operated upon a highway, other than a truck tractor, shall carry on the rear, either as a part of the tail lamps or separately, two (2) red reflectors, except that every motorcycle and every motor-driven cycle shall carry at least one reflector, meeting the […]
§ 31-24-11. Specifications for reflectors. Every reflector referred to in § 31-24-10 shall be mounted on the vehicle at a height not less than twenty inches (20″) nor more than sixty inches (60″) measured as set forth in § 31-24-3, and shall be of such size and characteristics and so mounted as to be visible […]
§ 31-24-12. Stop lamps required. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell any new motor vehicle, including any motorcycle or motor-driven cycle, in this state, or for any person to drive a vehicle on the highways, unless it is equipped with a stop lamp meeting the requirements of §§ 31-24-13 and 31-24-14; provided, […]
§ 31-24-13. Stop and turn lamps authorized. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with, and when required under this chapter shall be equipped with, the following signal lamps or devices: (1) A stop lamp on the rear which shall emit a red or yellow light and which shall be actuated by applying the service (foot) […]
§ 31-24-14. Specifications for stop or signal lamps. A stop lamp shall be plainly visible and understandable from a distance of one hundred feet (100′) to the rear both during normal sunlight and at nighttime, and a signal lamp or lamps indicating intention to turn shall be visible and understandable during daytime and nighttime from […]
§ 31-24-15. Mechanical signal devices self-illuminated. All mechanical signal devices shall be self-illuminated when in use at the times mentioned in § 31-24-1. Violations of this section are subject to fines enumerated in § 31-41.1-4. History of Section.P.L. 1950, ch. 2595, art. 34, § 18; P.L. 1950 (s. s.), ch. 2639, § 5; G.L. 1956, […]
§ 31-24-16. Spot lamps. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not to exceed two (2) spot lamps and every lighted spot lamp shall be aimed and used upon approaching another vehicle so that no part of the high-intensity portion of the beam will be directed to the left of the prolongation of the extreme […]
§ 31-24-17. Road lamps and fog lamps. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than two (2) road lamps or fog lamps which shall be rigidly affixed to the motor vehicle below the level of the head lamps, and shall be so aimed and used that no part of the high-intensity portion of […]
§ 31-24-18. Side cowl and fender lamps. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than two (2) side cowl or fender lamps which shall emit an amber or white light without glare. Violations of this section are subject to fines enumerated in § 31-41.1-4. History of Section.P.L. 1950, ch. 2595, art. 34, § […]
§ 31-24-19. Running board courtesy lamps. Any motor vehicle may be equipped with not more than one running board courtesy lamp on each side of it which shall emit a white or amber light without glare. Violations of this section are subject to fines enumerated in § 31-41.1-4. History of Section.P.L. 1950, ch. 2595, art. […]
§ 31-24-2. Means of measuring distance of visibility. Whenever a requirement is declared in this chapter as to the distance from which certain lamps and devices shall render objects visible or within which the lamps or devices shall be visible, the provisions shall apply during the times stated in § 31-24-1 in respect to a […]
§ 31-24-20. Back up lamps. Any motor vehicle may be equipped without not more than two (2) back-up lamps either separately or in combination with other lamps, but no back-up lamp shall be lighted when the motor vehicle is in forward motion. Violations of this section are subject to fines enumerated in § 31-41.1-4. History […]
§ 31-24-21. Lighting of farm tractors. Every farm tractor equipped with an electric lighting system shall at all times mentioned in § 31-24-1 display a red tail lamp and either multiple beam or single beam head lamp equipment meeting the requirements of §§ 31-24-7 — 31-24-9, 31-24-22, and 31-24-24. Violations of this section are subject […]
§ 31-24-22. Multiple beam lamps required. Except as provided in this chapter, the head lamps, or the auxiliary driving lamps, or combinations of them, on motor vehicles other than a motorcycle or a motor-driven cycle, shall be arranged so that selection may be made between distributions of light projected to different elevations, subject to the […]
§ 31-24-23. Use of multiple beam lamps. Whenever a motor vehicle is being operated on a roadway or on its shoulder during the times specified in § 31-24-1, the driver shall use a distribution of light, or composite beam, directed high enough and of sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a safe distance […]
§ 31-24-24. Single beam lamps. Head lamps arranged to provide a single distribution of light shall be permitted on motor vehicles manufactured and sold prior to November 1, 1951, in lieu of multiple beam road lighting equipment specified in this chapter if the single distribution of light complies with the following requirements and limitations: (1) […]
§ 31-24-25. Specifications for head lamps on motor-driven cycles. The head or head lamps upon every motor-driven cycle may be of the single beam or multiple beam type but in either event shall comply with the requirements and limitations as follows: (1) Every head lamp or head lamps on a motor-driven cycle shall be of […]
§ 31-24-26. Head lamps of slow vehicles. Any motor vehicle may be operated under the conditions specified in § 31-24-1 when equipped with two (2) lighted lamps upon the front of it capable of revealing persons and objects seventy-five feet (75′) ahead in lieu of lamps required in §§ 31-24-22 or 31-24-24; provided, that at […]
§ 31-24-27. Display of lighted lamps required. At all times specified in § 31-24-1, at least two (2) lighted lamps shall be displayed one on each side at the front of every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle or motor-driven cycle, except when the vehicle is parked subject to the regulations governing lights on parked […]