§ 37-2-1. Purchasing agent — Appointment — Duties. Within the department of administration there shall be a purchasing agent who shall be appointed by the chief purchasing officer with the approval of the governor, and who shall now and hereafter be in the classified service of the state. The purchasing agent shall exercise the powers […]
§ 37-2-10. Distribution of procurement activities. The chief purchasing officer may provide for the distribution of the department’s procurement activities and functions among the various divisions within the department. History of Section.P.L. 1989, ch. 526, § 2.
§ 37-2-11. Authority and duties of the purchasing agent. The purchasing agent shall have the following authority and responsibilities: (1) To serve as the central procurement and contracting agency of the state; (2) To recommend regulations, rules, and procedures to the chief purchasing officer; and (3) To purchase or otherwise acquire, or, with the approval […]
§ 37-2-12. Centralization of the procurement authority. (a) All rights, powers, duties, and authority relating to the procurement of supplies, services, and construction, and the management, control, warehousing, sale, and disposal of supplies, services, and construction now vested in or exercised by any state agency under the several statutes relating thereto are hereby transferred to […]
§ 37-2-13. Procurement regulations. (a) Within sixty (60) days after July 1, 1989, the chief purchasing officer shall promulgate the initial state purchasing regulations in accordance with current policies and procedures. The initial regulations may be promulgated on an interim basis and shall be promulgated on a final basis in accordance with chapter 35 of […]
§ 37-2-13.1. Procurement regulations — Request for proposal. (a) No request for proposal shall change to a master-price agreement unless the request for proposal is cancelled and reissued as a master price agreement. (b) No vendor, parent corporation, subsidiary, affiliate, or subcontractor of any state vendor may bid on a request for proposal if that […]
§ 37-2-14. Relationship with user agencies. The purchasing agent shall maintain a close and cooperative relationship with the using agencies of the state. Any using agency may at any time make recommendations concerning procurement to the purchasing agent. History of Section.P.L. 1989, ch. 526, § 2.
§ 37-2-15. Source selection and contract formation — Statutory provisions. As used in this chapter unless the context in which they are used clearly requires a different meaning: (1) “Cost-reimbursement contract” shall mean a contract under which the state reimburses the contractor for those contract costs, within a stated ceiling, which are allowable and allocable […]
§ 37-2-16. [Reserved.]
§ 37-2-17. Method of source selection. Except for purchases solicited pursuant to the provisions for small purchases set forth in § 37-2-22, all state contracts and purchases shall be solicited through utilization of the Rhode Island Vendor Information Program (RIVIP) as set forth in § 37-2-17.1. Except as otherwise authorized by law, all state contracts […]
§ 37-2-17.1. Rhode Island vendor information program (RIVIP). (a) The chief purchasing officer is directed to institute an electronic vendor information program which shall enable all invitations for bid and requests for a proposal to be accessed electronically by all potential vendors. This program is to be readily accessible through public access stations located at […]
§ 37-2-17.2. Utilization of department of administration Rhode Island vendor information program (RIVIP). All public agencies as defined by § 37-2-7(16) shall utilize the RIVIP established by the chief purchasing officer for state agencies (director of the department of administration) to implement the requirements of §§ 37-2-17 and 37-2-17.1. The director of administration shall be […]
§ 37-2-18. Competitive sealed bidding. (a) Contracts exceeding the amount provided by § 37-2-22 shall be awarded by competitive sealed bidding unless it is determined in writing that this method is not practicable or that the best value for the state may be obtained by using an electronic reverse auction as set forth in § […]
§ 37-2-18.1. Reverse auctions. (a) Contracts exceeding the amount provided by § 37-2-22 may be awarded by electronic reverse auctions when it is determined in writing by the chief purchasing officer that the state will obtain a better value with this method than with a competitive sealed bid process. Factors to be considered in determining […]
§ 37-2-18.2. Exemption from competitive bidding. The three (3) public institutions of higher education (the University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College and the Community College of Rhode Island) shall be exempt from the competitive bidding process provisions of this chapter for research or research related activity funded with federal funds or other third-party funds […]
§ 37-2-19. Competitive negotiation. (a) When, under regulations issued by the chief purchasing officer, the purchasing agent determines in writing that the use of competitive sealed bidding is not practicable, and except as provided in §§ 37-2-21 and 37-2-22, a contract may be awarded by competitive negotiation. (b) Adequate public notice of the request for […]
§ 37-2-2. General provisions. (a) This chapter shall be liberally construed and applied to promote its underlying purposes and policies. (b) The underlying purposes and policies of this chapter are to: (1) Simplify, clarify, and modernize the law governing purchasing by the state of Rhode Island and its local public agencies; (2) Permit the continued […]
§ 37-2-20. Negotiations after unsuccessful competitive sealed bidding. (a) In the event that all bids submitted pursuant to competitive sealed bidding under § 37-2-18 result in bid prices in excess of the funds available for the purchase and the chief purchasing officer determines in writing: (1) That there are no additional funds available from any […]
§ 37-2-21. Noncompetitive procurements. (a) Sole source. A contract may be awarded for a supply, service, or construction item without competition when, under published regulations, the chief purchasing officer or purchasing agent, determines, in writing, that there is only one source for the required supply, service, or construction item. (b) Emergency. Notwithstanding any other provision […]
§ 37-2-22. Small purchases. Procurements, not to exceed an aggregate amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for construction and five thousand dollars ($5,000) for all other purchases may be made in accordance with small purchase regulations promulgated by the chief purchasing officer. Procurement requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small […]