§ 39-16-1. Definitions. As used in this chapter the following definitions shall apply: (1) “Authority” means the corporation created by § 39-16-3. (2) “Board” means the members of the authority. (3) “Bonds” means the bonds, notes, or other obligations issued by the authority pursuant to this chapter. (4) “District” means the Kent County water district. […]
§ 39-16-10. Power to issue bonds — Pledge of revenues. The authority shall have the power and is hereby authorized from time to time to issue its negotiable bonds for any of its corporate purposes and to secure the payment of the bonds as may be provided in the resolution or resolutions authorizing the bonds. […]
§ 39-16-11. Terms and sale of bonds — Refunding. (a) The authority is hereby authorized to provide by resolution for the issuance, at one time or from time to time, of revenue bonds of the authority for the purpose of paying all or part of the cost to acquire, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, improve, or maintain […]
§ 39-16-12. Covenants permissible in bond resolution. Any resolution or resolutions authorizing any bonds or any issue of bonds may contain provisions that shall be a part of the contract with the holders of the bonds thereby authorized, as to: (1) Pledging all or any part of the money, earnings, income, and revenues derived from […]
§ 39-16-13. Tax exemption. It is hereby declared that the authority and the carrying out of its corporate purposes is in all respects for the benefit of the people of the state and for the improvement of their health, welfare, and prosperity, and the authority will be performing an essential governmental function in the exercise […]
§ 39-16-14. Payments in lieu of taxes. The authority shall pay annually, having first made provision for the payment of principal and interest on any bonds outstanding and any other charges payable from revenues due in such year as may be provided in the resolution or resolutions authorizing any bonds, in lieu of any property […]
§ 39-16-15. Pledge not to alter rights of authority. The state does hereby pledge to and agree with the holders of the bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness of the authority that the state will not limit or alter rights hereby vested in the authority until the bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness, […]
§ 39-16-16. Bonds as legal investments. The bonds are hereby made securities in which all public officers and bodies of this state and all municipalities and municipal subdivisions; all insurance companies and associations and other persons carrying on an insurance business; all banks, bankers, trust companies, savings banks, and savings associations, including savings and loan […]
§ 39-16-17. Money of authority. All money of the authority, from whatever source derived, shall be paid to the treasurer of the authority. The money on receipt shall be deposited forthwith in a separate bank account or accounts. The money in the accounts shall be paid out on check of the treasurer, on requisition by […]
§ 39-16-18. Right to alter, amend, or repeal chapter. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this chapter is hereby expressly reserved, but no such alteration, amendment, or repeal shall operate to impair the obligation of any contract made by the authority under any power conferred by this chapter. History of Section.P.L. 1946, ch. 1740, […]
§ 39-16-19. Severability. If any section, clause, provision, or term of this chapter shall be declared unconstitutional and ineffective in whole or in part, then to the extent that it is not unconstitutional and ineffective it shall be valid and effective and no other section, clause, provision, or term shall on account thereof be deemed […]
§ 39-16-2. District created. There is hereby created a district to be known as the Kent County water district, whose boundaries shall be coterminous with the boundaries of Kent County. Notwithstanding any finding by any court to the contrary, the Kent County water district shall be a political subdivision of the state. History of Section.P.L. […]
§ 39-16-20. Supplementary powers. The authority, in addition to any other powers granted in this chapter, has the following powers in order to assist it in setting rates: (1) To conduct examinations and hearings and to hear testimony and take proof, under oath or affirmation, at public or private hearings, on any matter material for […]
§ 39-16-21. Transfer on dissolution. If the authority shall be dissolved, all funds of the authority, not required for the payment of bonds or other debts of the authority, the disposition of which is not otherwise governed by contracts to which the authority may be party, shall be paid to the towns of East Greenwich, […]
§ 39-16-22. Notes. The authority may, by resolution, authorize the issue from time to time of interest bearing or discounted notes in anticipation of the issue of bonds. Temporary notes issued under this section shall be signed by the chairperson and the treasurer of the authority and shall be payable within five (5) years of […]
§ 39-16-3. Board created. A board to be known as the Kent County Water Authority is hereby created. The powers of the public benefit corporation shall be vested in and exercised by a majority of the members of the board then in office. History of Section.P.L. 1946, ch. 1740, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 39-16-3; […]
§ 39-16-4. Composition of board. (a) The board shall consist of seven (7) members, one member to be appointed by the town council of East Greenwich and two (2) members by the city council of the city of Warwick, and two (2) members each appointed by the town councils of the towns of Coventry and […]
§ 39-16-5. Officers and employees of board. The chairperson of the board shall be selected by the majority vote of the members of the board. The board shall appoint a secretary and a treasurer, who may or may not be a member of the board, and other employees as may be necessary in its judgment, […]
§ 39-16-6. Compensation of members and agents. Each member of the board shall receive an annual salary not to exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000) per year, and shall be entitled to reimbursement of his or her actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of his or her official duties. The salaries, compensation, and expenses […]
§ 39-16-7. Business prohibited to members. No member of the authority shall directly or indirectly engage in any contract or agreement for labor or for the supply of materials for construction or reconstruction of the physical assets of the authority or replacements or additions thereto. History of Section.P.L. 1946, ch. 1740, § 1; P.L. 1955, […]