§ 41-5-22. Rules and regulations. The department of business regulation may make rules and regulations for the administration and enforcement of this chapter as it may deem necessary. Provided, further, notwithstanding any provision of the general or public laws to the contrary, the department of business regulation shall have the power to adopt by rule […]
§ 41-5-23. Annual report to general assembly. The division of gaming and athletics licensing shall make an annual report to the general assembly on or before the first Wednesday in February, together with any recommendations for legislation, that it may deem desirable. History of Section.P.L. 1926, ch. 772, § 18; G.L. 1938, ch. 16, § […]
§ 41-5-24. Appropriations and disbursements. The general assembly shall annually appropriate such sum as it may deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, and to compensate members and employees; the state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for the sum so appropriated, […]
§ 41-5-3. Application for license. The division of gaming and athletics licensing, in the discretion of its chairperson or other officer charged with the enforcement of this chapter, may require any person applying for a license to furnish such information and references as it may desire. Applications for the license shall be accompanied by a […]
§ 41-5-3.1. Required information on application. (a) In addition to other information and references as the division of gaming and athletics licensing may require, an application for a license under § 41-5-1 shall include: (1) A card or schedule of all persons who will perform as boxers in the boxing or sparring match or exhibition […]
§ 41-5-3.2. License issued only to ring equipment owner. No license shall be issued by the division of gaming and athletics licensing under § 41-5-1 to an applicant unless the applicant is the sole owner of the ring equipment to be used in the conduct of the boxing or sparring match or exhibition for which […]
§ 41-5-3.3. Insurance required. No license issued by the division of gaming and athletics licensing under § 41-5-1 shall be valid unless the license holder shall: (1) Within thirty-six (36) hours of the starting time for the first event in the licensed boxing or sparring match or exhibition, have, in force, such contracts or policies […]
§ 41-5-3.4. Promotion prohibited until license issued. (a) No boxing or sparring match for which a license is required under § 41-5-1 shall be advertised, announced, or otherwise publicly promoted until: (1) The license therefor has been issued by the division of gaming and athletics licensing; or (2) The division approves the promotion after a […]
§ 41-5-3.5. Inspections of premises and equipment required. (a) No license shall be issued under § 41-5-1 unless the division of gaming and athletics licensing shall have inspected the building where the boxing or sparring match or exhibition is to be conducted and determined that the building is suitable for the proposed boxing or sparring […]
§ 41-5-3.6. Substitutions. (a) No substitution of boxers may be made within twenty-three (23) hours of the starting time for the first event in the boxing or sparring match or exhibition. If one or more of the boxers listed on the licensee’s application fails to appear for his or her examination in the office of […]
§ 41-5-3.7. Closed-circuit television. No closed-circuit television shows of matches or exhibitions shall be permitted in the state unless the promoter has first obtained a permit from the division of gaming and athletics licensing. A promoter shall submit the application on a form provided by the division and the application shall contain information pertaining to […]
§ 41-5-4. Penalty for unlicensed match. Any person holding, conducting, or participating in any match or exhibition held without a license, unless exempted as provided herein, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding three (3) months, or by both a fine and […]
§ 41-5-5. Separate license for each match — Approval of city or town authorities. The division of gaming and athletics licensing shall, subject to the provisions of this chapter, issue a separate license for each boxing or sparring match and exhibition; provided, however, that no license shall be issued by the division without the approval […]
§ 41-5-6. Surety bond filed by licensee. No license as provided in § 41-5-1 shall be granted unless the licensee has executed and filed, with the division of gaming and athletics licensing, a bond, in such penal sum and with such surety or sureties as shall be satisfactory to the division, running to the state, […]
§ 41-5-7. License required for participants and officials in professional matches. (a) No person shall act, except at a purely amateur match or exhibition, directly or indirectly, as physician, first-aid instructor, referee, judge, timekeeper, professional boxer, or as manager, trainer, or second of a boxer, at a boxing or sparring match or exhibition unless licensed […]
§ 41-5-7.1. Required information on boxer’s application for license — Medical examination. (a) After a license is granted under § 41-5-1 for a boxing or sparring match or exhibition, no person shall perform as a boxer in the match or exhibition unless he or she shall have been licensed by the division of gaming and […]
§ 41-5-8. Referees — Powers. At every boxing or sparring match or exhibition there shall be in attendance a referee, duly licensed under the provisions of this chapter, who shall direct and control the boxing match, sparring match, or exhibition. The referee shall have full power to stop the match whenever he or she deems […]
§ 41-5-9. Attendance of judges — Decision. The division of gaming and athletics licensing may, in its discretion, require the attendance at any boxing or sparring match or exhibition of three (3) judges licensed by the division whose duty it shall be to render a decision at the termination of the boxing or sparring match […]
§ 41-5-9.1. Duties of director at ringside. (a) It shall be the duty of the director of business regulation, or his or her designee, to certify at ringside the results of each event in a match or exhibition licensed under § 41-5-1, and to send an official report of the results to every state boxing […]