§ 41-7-1. Operation of jai alai sports facilities. Any person desiring to operate a facility for the exhibition of the Spanish sport called jai alai in the city of Newport may do so upon the compliance with the terms and provisions of this chapter. History of Section.P.L. 1973, ch. 48, § 1.
§ 41-7-10. Licensing of concessionaires, vendors, pari-mutuel totalizator companies. (a) All persons, firms, partnerships, associations, or corporations desiring to operate any concession allied to any fronton, shall apply for a license to the division of racing and athletics, on such forms and in such a manner as prescribed by regulations. The division by regulations shall […]
§ 41-7-11. Conclusion of Saturday performances. Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 6 of this title, any jai alai game played within the enclosure of any fronton licensed and conducted pursuant to this chapter, commencing on a Saturday evening and not concluded before twelve (12) o’clock midnight, shall not be permitted to be played beyond one […]
§ 41-7-12. [Repealed.] History of Section.P.L. 1988, ch. 417, § 1; Repealed by P.L. 1991, ch. 24, § 2, effective March 1, 1991.
§ 41-7-2. “Sports facilities” and “frontons” defined. The words “sports facilities” and “fronton” as used in this chapter mean a building or enclosure in which is provided a playing court with three (3) walls so designed and constructed for the playing of that sports game of ball as played in Spanish speaking countries, called jai […]
§ 41-7-3. Regulation of operations — Licensing. (a) The division of gaming and athletics licensing is hereby authorized to license jai alai in the city of Newport. The operation of a fronton shall be under the division’s supervision. The division is hereby authorized to issue rules and regulations for the supervision of the operations. (b) […]
§ 41-7-4. Power and duties of the division of gaming and athletics licensing. In addition to the other powers conferred upon the division of gaming and athletics licensing, the division shall carry out the provisions of this chapter, and to that end, the division may: (1) Personally or by agent, supervise and check the making […]
§ 41-7-5. Wagers and pari-mutuel pools permitted within enclosure of fronton. Within the enclosure of any fronton licensed and conducted under this chapter but not elsewhere, wagering on the respective scores or points of the game of jai alai or pelota and the sale of pari-mutuel pools under such regulation as the division of gaming […]
§ 41-7-5.1. Sale or purchase of twin double tickets. The sale or purchase of twin double tickets or attempting to aid or abet in the sale or purchase of twin double tickets through solicitation of patrons attending, other than through pari-mutuel machines, is prohibited. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be denied […]
§ 41-7-6. Tax on betting and licensee’s commission. (a) The commission of a licensee on pari-mutuel pools and wagers shall be twenty and one-half percent (20½%) of the amount contributed thereto. After deducting the commission and the “breaks,” hereafter defined, a pari-mutuel pool shall be redistributed to the contributors. The licensee conducting events pursuant to […]
§ 41-7-7. Distribution of funds — Applicability of chapters 3 and 4 of this title. All money mentioned in this chapter derived from taxes on wagers and pari-mutuel pools shall be disbursed by the state treasurer pursuant to chapter 4 of this title. Except as is inconsistent with this chapter, the provisions of chapters 3 […]
§ 41-7-8. Tax on breaks — Distribution. (a) A tax is hereby levied upon every pari-mutuel pool conducted at the fronton for the exhibition of the Spanish ball game known as jai alai in Newport authorized by law so to do, equal to fifty percent (50%) of the “breaks” as defined in the above. (b) […]
§ 41-7-9. Leases of city properties. The city of Newport is hereby authorized to enter into a lease of city property for a period not to exceed thirty-five (35) years with an application to the division of gaming and athletics licensing for a license to conduct jai alai. History of Section.P.L. 1973, ch. 48, § […]