§ 42-11-1. Director of administration. There is hereby established within the executive branch of the state government, a department of administration. The head of the department shall be the director of administration, who shall be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, and shall serve at the pleasure of the […]
§ 42-11-10. Statewide planning program. (a) Findings. The general assembly finds that the people of this state have a fundamental interest in the orderly development of the state; the state has a positive interest and demonstrated need for establishment of a comprehensive, strategic state planning process and the preparation, maintenance, and implementation of plans for […]
§ 42-11-10.1. Transfer of powers, functions and resources from the water resources board. (a) There are hereby transferred to the division of planning within the department of administration those powers and duties formerly administered by the employees of the water resources board as provided for in chapter 15 of title 46 (“Water Resources Board”) through […]
§ 42-11-11. Approval of contracts for support of medical education. (a) The director of administration shall approve any contract negotiated jointly with the department of health, for the support by the state of medical education. The support may include appropriations for the education of medical students at public or private educational institutions in the state. […]
§ 42-11-12. Transfer of functions from the department of community affairs. (a) There are hereby transferred to the department of administration those functions formerly administered by the department of community affairs relating to: (1) Local planning assistance; (2) Community development training; and (3) Building code standards committee. (b) In addition to any of its other […]
§ 42-11-13. Rhode Island organ transplant fund. (a) There is hereby created the Rhode Island organ transplant fund, hereinafter referred to as “the fund”. The general treasurer shall invest and reinvest the same in accordance with § 35-10-2. The department of human services shall administer the organ transplant program. Disbursement of funds from the fund […]
§ 42-11-14. Prohibition against the use of lead based paint. When purchasing paint products or contracting for the painting of public buildings or construction, the department of administration shall prohibit the use of lead paint. History of Section.P.L. 1993, ch. 365, § 1; P.L. 1993, ch. 382, § 1.
§ 42-11-14.1. Alkaline paper required. All records and publications selected by state agencies which have been determined to be of permanent value by the state archives shall be printed on alkaline paper which is in keeping with ANSI Standard Z39.48-1984. This includes, but is not limited to, the following materials: all original bills introduced into […]
§ 42-11-14.2. Personal use of state credit cards prohibited. (a) It is unlawful for any employee of the state of Rhode Island, or his or her designee, to use or permit others to use state issued credit cards for personal use. (b) For purposes of this section, “Personal use” means any use the purpose of […]
§ 42-11-14.3. Policies and procedures for credit card use — Payment for food and beverages. The director of the department of administration shall establish and implement policies and procedures regarding the use of state issued credit cards and the payment for food and beverages. The policies and procedures shall be consistent with § 42-11-14.2 and […]
§ 42-11-15 — 42-11-19. Repealed.
§ 42-11-2. Powers and duties of department. The department of administration shall have the following powers and duties: (1) To prepare a budget for the several state departments and agencies, subject to the direction and supervision of the governor; (2) To administer the budget for all state departments and agencies, except as specifically exempted by […]
§ 42-11-2.1. Filling of certain educational vacancies. Notwithstanding the authority of either the board of regents for elementary and secondary education, the board of governors for higher education, or the appointing authorities of the several colleges and institutions within the jurisdiction of the board of governors for higher education, or any general or public law […]
§ 42-11-2.2, 42-11-2.3. Repealed.
§ 42-11-2.4. State Fleet Replacement Revolving Loan Fund. (a) There is hereby created as a separate fund within the treasury to be known as the state fleet replacement revolving loan fund which shall be administered by the general treasurer in accordance with the same laws and fiscal procedures as the general funds of the state. […]
§ 42-11-2.5. Information technology investment fund. (a) All sums from the sale of any land and the buildings and improvements thereon, and other real property, title to which is vested in the state, except as provided in §§ 37-7-15(b) and 37-7-15(c), shall be transferred to an information technology investment fund restricted-receipt account that is hereby […]
§ 42-11-2.6. Office of Digital Excellence established. (a) Within the department, division of enterprise technology strategy and services, there shall be established the Office of Digital Excellence. The purposes of the office shall be to move Rhode Island state government into the 21st century through the incorporation of innovation and modern digital capabilities throughout state […]
§ 42-11-2.7. Office of diversity, equity and opportunity established. (a) The office of diversity, equity and opportunity (ODEO) shall be established as a division within the department of administration. The purpose of the office shall be to ensure nondiscrimination, diversity, equity, and equal opportunity in all aspects of state government, including, but not limited to, […]
§ 42-11-2.8. Division of enterprise technology strategy and services established. (a) Established. Within the department there shall be established the division of enterprise technology strategy and service (ETSS), which shall include the office of information technology, the office of digital excellence (ODE), and the office of library and information services (OLIS). Within ETSS, there shall […]
§ 42-11-2.9. Division of capital asset management and maintenance established. (a) Establishment. Within the department of administration there shall be established the division of capital asset management and maintenance (“DCAMM”). Any prior references to the division of facilities management and/or capital projects, if any, shall now mean DCAMM. Within the DCAMM there shall be a […]