§ 42-21-1. Transferred functions performed by department head — Rights of appeal. Except as otherwise provided in this title, the head of a department or any other agency assuming any duties formerly imposed upon any other department or agency, and transferred by chapter 660 of the Public Laws of 1939, shall perform the duties of […]
§ 42-21-10. Offenses and penalties prior to transfer. No offense committed and no penalty or forfeiture incurred under any of the acts repealed by chapter 660 of the Public Laws of 1939, and before the time when chapter 660 took effect, shall be affected by chapter 660, except that whenever any punishment, penalty, or forfeiture […]
§ 42-21-11. Suits and prosecutions pending. No suit or prosecution pending at the time of the repeal by chapter 660 of the Public Laws of 1939 of any general law, public law, or amendment thereto, for any offense committed or for the recovery of any penalty or forfeiture incurred, under any law thereby repealed, shall […]
§ 42-21-2. Delegation of transferred functions. Wherever the duties of the head of any existing department or agency or of a subdivision thereof or of any other officer were prescribed by law and the functions of that head of a department or agency or other officer were transferred to a new department under chapter 660 […]
§ 42-21-3. Construction of laws and records. Whenever in any other general law, public law, or resolution of the general assembly, or in any document, record, or proceeding authorized by the general assembly, any word or phrase is used in reference to or descriptive of any department, agency, or officer, or employee thereof, or to […]
§ 42-21-4. New department as continuation of former department. Any department or other administrative agency to which the functions, powers, and duties of a previously existing department or other agency were assigned and transferred by chapter 660 of the Public Laws of 1939 shall be deemed and held to constitute a continuation of the former […]
§ 42-21-5. Delivery of records and property. Unless otherwise expressly provided by this title, the head of a department, division, or other administrative agency whose functions, powers, and duties were assigned and transferred to another department or agency by chapter 660 of the Public Laws of 1939, shall deliver to the department or subdivision thereof […]
§ 42-21-6. Continuation of rules and regulations. Rules and regulations prepared by any department, division, board, commission, or other agency existing on February 7, 1939 which are not in conflict with this title or with any general law or public law, shall continue to be in force until such time as the director or head […]
§ 42-21-7. Transfer of seals. All powers and authority heretofore vested by law in any administrative department or other agency to use a seal or seals shall hereafter be transferred to the proper department or agency in accordance with the transfer of other powers and duties by chapter 660 of the Public Laws of 1939, […]
§ 42-21-8. Pending proceedings. Any proceeding or other business or matter undertaken or commenced, prior to the passage of chapter 660 of the Public Laws of 1939, by a department, division, or other administrative agency, the functions, powers, and duties whereof were assigned and transferred to a new department, and still pending at the time […]
§ 42-21-9. Existing rights and remedies. The passage of chapter 660 of the Public Laws of 1939 shall not affect any acts done, or any right accruing or accrued, or acquired or established, or any remedy for any injury thereto or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal case before […]