Section 42-96-1. – Short title.
§ 42-96-1. Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Neighborhood Crime Prevention Act”. History of Section.P.L. 1985, ch. 383, § 1.
§ 42-96-1. Short title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Neighborhood Crime Prevention Act”. History of Section.P.L. 1985, ch. 383, § 1.
§ 42-96-2. Definitions. As used in this chapter: (1) “Commission” means the Rhode Island justice commission. (2) “Director” means the executive director of the Rhode Island justice commission. (3) “Municipality” means any city or town within the state. (4) “Organization” means any neighborhood crime prevention organization, incorporated or unincorporated, organized exclusively for a purpose or […]
§ 42-96-3. Contracts with organizations. (a) The director may enter into contracts on behalf of the commission, either on the director’s own initiative, or upon application of an organization or the municipality having jurisdiction over the organization, for the performance of organization activities. The contracts shall be entered into, however, only after appropriate findings by […]
§ 42-96-4. Payments to organizations for the performance of organization activities. (a) Each contract entered into with an organization shall provide for payment to that organization for approved activities to be performed by it. (b) Payment to organizations pursuant to this chapter shall be restricted to sums required for the payment of salaries and wages […]
§ 42-96-5. Periodic review of contract performance; renegotiation and termination of contract. The commission shall, by regulation, provide for the review, at periodic intervals, which shall as far as possible be coincidental with payment periods, of the performance of organizations under their respective contracts with the commission. Reviews shall, among other things, be for the […]
§ 42-96-6. Technical services and assistance to organizations. The commission shall render to organizations those technical services and assistance that it may possess or as may be available to it to enable the organizations to comply with the intent and provisions of this chapter. The commission is authorized to take all steps necessary to encourage […]
§ 42-96-7. Rules and regulations to be promulgated by the commission. The commission shall issue and promulgate rules and regulations for the administration of this chapter, which shall include provisions concerning requirements as to eligibility for contracting with the commission; the form of applications for contracts; supervision and evaluation of organizations; reporting, budgeting, and record […]
§ 42-96-8. Federal funds. The commission and its director are authorized to take any action that is required to meet the requirements of the federal Justice Assistance Act (enacted October 1984) for federal assistance to organizations for the purposes of this chapter. History of Section.P.L. 1985, ch. 383, § 1.