§ 45-31.1-1. Declaration of policy. It is found and declared that there exist in the communities of the state certain areas which are basically sound residential areas, but are evidencing the early signs of deterioration and blight because of conditions attributable to noncompliance with provisions of codes of the communities, and if allowed to continue, […]
§ 45-31.1-10. Definitions. The following definitions govern the terms included in this chapter: (1) “Codes” means any and all rules, resolutions, regulations, and/or ordinances of the community involving, directly or indirectly, the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the community. (2) “Community” means a city or town. (3) “Federal government” means the United […]
§ 45-31.1-2. Redevelopment agency to carry out code enforcement project programs. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of the “Redevelopment Act of 1956” as amended, the redevelopment agency of each community is empowered to plan and execute projects for the enforcement of all the codes of the community relating to the health, safety, and welfare of […]
§ 45-31.1-3. Selection of code enforcement areas — Formulation of plans. The redevelopment agency shall, at the direction of the legislative body of the community, select one or more code enforcement areas and formulate a plan for each area. History of Section.P.L. 1965, ch. 190, § 1.
§ 45-31.1-4. Prior action required. The redevelopment agency of the community shall not undertake the execution of code enforcement project activities until the legislative body of the community directs the redevelopment agency by ordinance or resolution to undertake those activities. History of Section.P.L. 1965, ch. 190, § 1.
§ 45-31.1-5. Public hearing. The legislative body of the community, or a committee thereof, may, at its discretion, hold a public hearing on the adoption of a code enforcement project program, and shall set a time and fix a place for the public hearing. Notice of the hearing shall be given by publication in a […]
§ 45-31.1-6. Powers of redevelopment agency. Each redevelopment agency has all the powers necessary and convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this chapter. History of Section.P.L. 1965, ch. 190, § 1.
§ 45-31.1-7. Cooperation by public bodies. For the purpose of further aiding and cooperating to accomplish the purpose of this chapter, any public body may upon terms, with or without consideration, as it may determine: (1) Cause services to be furnished the redevelopment agency of the character which the public body is otherwise empowered to […]
§ 45-31.1-8. Appropriation and loans by cities and towns. Any community is authorized to appropriate moneys raised by taxes or other funds, and may lend or give the moneys to any redevelopment agency to assist in the carrying out of the purposes and provisions of this chapter. History of Section.P.L. 1965, ch. 190, § 1.
§ 45-31.1-9. Financial assistance by other public bodies. In addition to the powers conferred upon a redevelopment agency by other provisions of this chapter, a redevelopment agency is empowered to borrow money or accept financial or other assistance from the federal or state government or any public body for or in aid of the provisions […]