§ 45-38.2-1. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms, unless the context requires a different interpretation, shall have the following meanings: (1) “Application” means a project proposed by a city, town, or LEA that would make capital improvements to public school facilities consistent with project evaluation criteria and chapter 41.1 of title 16-7; […]
§ 45-38.2-2. School building authority capital fund. (a) There is hereby established a school building authority capital fund. The corporation shall establish and set up on its books the fund, to be held in trust and to be administered by the corporation as provided in this chapter. This fund shall be in addition to the […]
§ 45-38.2-3. Administration. (a) The corporation shall have all the powers necessary or incidental to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of this chapter including: (1) To receive and disburse such funds from the state as may be available for the purpose of the fund subject to the provisions of this chapter; (2) […]
§ 45-38.2-4. Payment of state funds. (a) Subject to the provisions of subsection (b), upon the written request of the corporation, the general treasurer shall pay to the corporation, from time to time, from the proceeds of any bonds or notes issued by the state for the purposes of this chapter or funds otherwise lawfully […]