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Home » US Law » 2022 Rhode Island General Laws » Title 45 - Towns and Cities » Chapter 45-52 - The Quonochontaug East Beach Water District

Section 45-52-1. – Creation — Corporate powers.

§ 45-52-1. Creation — Corporate powers. (a) All that part of the town of Charlestown County of Washington and state of Rhode Island, commencing at a point being the northeast corner thereof on the westerly line of West Beach road, being the northeasterly corner of lot 84 as shown on plat entitled “Quonochontaug Highlands, Property […]

Section 45-52-10. – District council.

§ 45-52-10. District council. (a) The moderator, the treasurer, the district clerk, the chairperson of the finance committee and the chairperson of the public works committee, constitute a district council. It is the duty of the district council to: (1) Supervise and coordinate the activities of all of the officers, commissions, and committees of the […]

Section 45-52-11. – Taxes — Levy, assessment, and collection.

§ 45-52-11. Taxes — Levy, assessment, and collection. (a) All real property in the district shall be taxed to the owners, whether individuals, copartnerships, or corporations, according to the last valuation made by the assessor of taxes of the town of Charlestown, prior to the next assessment, adding, however, any taxable real property which may […]

Section 45-52-12. – Powers of and suits by and against the district.

§ 45-52-12. Powers of and suits by and against the district. (a) The district may have a common seal and, in its corporate name, may sue and be sued, prosecute, and defend, in any court and elsewhere, and enjoy all the other powers generally incident to corporations. (b) The district may take, purchase, and hold […]

Section 45-52-2. – Authority.

§ 45-52-2. Authority. (a) The electors of the district may at any meeting adopt and ordain bylaws as they deem necessary and proper for the purposes of this chapter and not repugnant to it and not inconsistent with any other law. (b) The district is authorized to raise money by tax on the real property […]

Section 45-52-3. – Voter qualifications and rights.

§ 45-52-3. Voter qualifications and rights. Every citizen of the United States of the age of eighteen (18) years who owns real estate located in the district which has the value of at least one hundred thirty four dollars ($134) over and above all encumbrances, or who is a resident of the town of Charlestown, […]

Section 45-52-4. – Board of canvassers.

§ 45-52-4. Board of canvassers. (a) There shall be a board of canvassers consisting of the tax assessor and tax collector. (b) The board of canvassers shall meet and canvass the voting list of the district on the last Monday of June in every year and shall make out a correct alphabetic list of the […]

Section 45-52-5. – Conduct and quorum of meetings.

§ 45-52-5. Conduct and quorum of meetings. (a) No less than thirty (30) voters constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business at any annual or special district meeting. If at any annual or special meeting less than a quorum is present, a majority of the voters present at the meeting, or any adjournment of […]

Section 45-52-6. – Election of district officers.

§ 45-52-6. Election of district officers. (a) The voters in the district shall at the annual meeting choose and elect a moderator, a district clerk, a district treasurer, an assessor of taxes, and a collector of taxes; and at the first annual meeting after the effective date of this act shall elect a finance committee […]

Section 45-52-7. – Notice of and place of district meetings.

§ 45-52-7. Notice of and place of district meetings. (a) A district meeting shall be held annually on the first Saturday of August in each year at nine o’clock a.m. (9:00 a.m.), for the election of district officers and the transaction of all other business that may legally come before the meeting. The meeting shall […]

Section 45-52-8. – District treasurer.

§ 45-52-8. District treasurer. (a) The district treasurer, before he or she proceeds to discharge the duties of his or her office, shall give bond to the district in the sum and with surety that the voters may determine, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his or her office. The bond shall […]

Section 45-52-9. – Collector of taxes.

§ 45-52-9. Collector of taxes. (a) The collector of taxes, before he or she proceeds to discharge the duties of his or her office, shall give bond to the district in the sum and with surety as the voters may determine, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of his or her office. The […]