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Home » US Law » 2022 Rhode Island General Laws » Title 46 - Waters and Navigation » Chapter 46-6 - Obstructions to Navigation

Section 46-6-1. – Deposit of dirt and other substances in public tidewaters.

§ 46-6-1. Deposit of dirt and other substances in public tidewaters. The director of the department of environmental management shall regulate the depositing of mud, dirt, and other substances in the public tidewaters of the state, and shall prescribe the places where they may be deposited; and every person who shall place or deposit mud, […]

Section 46-6-10. – Removal of obstruction by director — Payment of cost.

§ 46-6-10. Removal of obstruction by director — Payment of cost. (a) If the vessel or other obstruction is: (1) Not removed at or within the time specified in the notice, and in a manner and to a place satisfactory to the director, or (2) If the vessel or other obstruction is in immediate danger […]

Section 46-6-10.1. – Use or disposal of vessel or other obstruction.

§ 46-6-10.1. Use or disposal of vessel or other obstruction. (a) After taking possession of a vessel or other obstruction, pursuant to the terms and conditions of §§ 46-6-9 and 46-9-10, the authorized public entity may use or dispose of the vessel or other obstruction in any appropriate and environmentally sound manner without further notice […]

Section 46-6-10.2. – Derelict and abandoned vessel and obstruction removal commission.

§ 46-6-10.2. Derelict and abandoned vessel and obstruction removal commission. (a) There is hereby created a commission known as the derelict and abandoned vessel and obstruction removal commission which shall consist of five (5) members as follows: (1) One member who shall be engaged in the marine trades industry, to be appointed by the governor […]

Section 46-6-10.3. – Derelict and abandoned vessel and obstruction removal account.

§ 46-6-10.3. Derelict and abandoned vessel and obstruction removal account. (a) All fees assessed pursuant to § 46-6-10.4 shall be deposited into a restricted receipt account, hereby created and known as the derelict and abandoned vessel and obstruction removal account. The account is also authorized to receive fund transfers and appropriations from the general fund, […]

Section 46-6-10.4. – Derelict and abandoned vessel and obstruction removal fee.

§ 46-6-10.4. Derelict and abandoned vessel and obstruction removal fee. There is hereby established a derelict and abandoned vessel and obstruction removal fee which shall be in addition to the vessel registration fee assessed pursuant to § 46-22-4(a)(1). The fee shall be assessed biennially at the time vessel registration fees are assessed by the department […]

Section 46-6-12. – Sale of object removed to pay cost of removal.

§ 46-6-12. Sale of object removed to pay cost of removal. If the cost and expenses of removing a vessel or other obstruction as aforesaid are not paid or repaid by some owner or other person liable therefor within ten (10) days after the removal is completed, the director of the department of environmental management […]

Section 46-6-13. – Insurer of lost vessel not liable for cost of removal.

§ 46-6-13. Insurer of lost vessel not liable for cost of removal. No insurer of a vessel, who has paid the loss thereon, shall, by reason of the insurance, be held liable to remove the vessel, or to pay the cost and expenses of the removal, under the provisions of this chapter, unless the insurer […]

Section 46-6-16. – Application for federal reimbursement of expenses.

§ 46-6-16. Application for federal reimbursement of expenses. It shall be the duty of the department of environmental management to make application in behalf of the state for the reimbursement of any sums expended under this chapter, which in the opinion of the director of the department of environmental management might properly be paid by […]

Section 46-6-17. – Severability.

§ 46-6-17. Severability. The provisions of this chapter shall be severable and, if any of the provisions shall be held invalid, the decision of the court respecting that provision or provisions shall not affect the validity of any other provision which can be given effect without that invalid provision. History of Section.P.L. 2012, ch. 370, […]

Section 46-6-2. – Approval of plans for construction of wharves and piers.

§ 46-6-2. Approval of plans for construction of wharves and piers. All persons who shall build into or over public tidewaters, by authority of the department or by authority of the general assembly, any wharf, pier, bridge, or other structure, or drive any piles into the land under public tidewater, or fill any flats, shall, […]

Section 46-6-3. – Abatement of unauthorized encroachments on tidewater.

§ 46-6-3. Abatement of unauthorized encroachments on tidewater. Every erection made into or encroachment upon the public tidewaters of the state, not authorized by the general assembly or by the department of environmental management, shall be deemed to be a public nuisance and shall be prosecuted as such by the attorney general. History of Section.G.L. […]

Section 46-6-4. – Protection of Blackstone and Seekonk Rivers.

§ 46-6-4. Protection of Blackstone and Seekonk Rivers. No person shall put any substance in the Blackstone River or in the Seekonk River, or do any act or shall permit anything within his or her control to be done or shall do or permit anything within his or her control to be continued to be […]

Section 46-6-6. – Protection of upper Narragansett Bay.

§ 46-6-6. Protection of upper Narragansett Bay. No person shall deposit any mud, earth, sand, gravel, ashes, cinders, or other substances in the main channel of Providence River leading to the city of Providence, or in any part of the river or of Warren River or of Narragansett Bay lying east of the main channel […]

Section 46-6-7. – Protection of waters off Goat Island.

§ 46-6-7. Protection of waters off Goat Island. No person shall set any post, drive any spile, or erect or continue any obstruction into or upon the public waters adjoining to and on the westerly side of Goat Island in the harbor of Newport, between the island and the main channel which separates the island […]

Section 46-6-8. – Duty of department to remove obstructions.

§ 46-6-8. Duty of department to remove obstructions. Whenever a wrecked, sunken or abandoned vessel, an abandoned hulk, hull, barge or pilings, or any unlawful or unauthorized structure or thing is deposited or suffered to be or remain in the tidewaters of this state, and in the judgment of the director of the department of […]