13-14-1. Contracts with federal agencies–Receipt and expenditure of federal grants. The secretary of education is hereby authorized to enter into contracts with any agency of the United States government for the purposes of education, to receive grants of federal funds for those purposes, and to expend such funds under such rules and regulations as the […]
13-14-13. Authorization of nonprofit benevolent organizations to solicit and accept private funds for educational and interscholastic activities. The governing board of any school district organized pursuant to chapter 13-5 may authorize one or more private, nonprofit benevolent organizations to, independently of the control of the school district, accept and solicit donations, gifts, grants, or other […]
13-14-14. School board not obligated to accept and organization not obligated to provide funds without agreement as to terms and purposes. Any private, nonprofit benevolent organization authorized pursuant to §13-14-13 may propose, advocate, or suggest to the governing board of the school district that the funds proffered by the organization be utilized with regard to […]
13-14-15. Classroom innovation grant program. There is hereby established in the Department of Education a classroom innovation grant program. The purpose of the grant program is to provide funding for developing teacher training and classroom access to virtual education and customized learning tools and to expand course offerings, enhance recruitment, and increase retention of qualified […]
13-14-2. Contracts for federal surplus commodity programs–Receipt and expenditure of federal funds. The secretary of education is hereby authorized to enter into contracts with any agency of the United States government to administer programs for the receipt, allocation, and distribution of surplus commodities to schools, child care centers, summer camps, state institutions, counties, Indian reservations, […]
13-14-3.1. Federal funds under Mineral Leasing and Taylor Grazing Acts allocated to districts by area of producing lands. All revenues received by the State of South Dakota from the federal government of the United States as South Dakota’s share of income from lands owned by the United States in South Dakota pursuant to section 35 […]
13-14-3.2. School district entitlement statement delivered semiannually–Warrants transmitted to districts. When revenue is received pursuant to §13-14-3.1, a semiannual itemized statement of each school district’s entitlement shall be delivered by the Department of Education to the state auditor who shall thereupon draw warrants on the state treasurer for the amounts designated on the statement and […]
13-14-3.3. Oil well and mine revenue treated as permanent school fund income. Notwithstanding the provisions of §13-14-3.2, revenue received from producing oil wells or operating mines shall be assigned by the state treasurer to the common school interest and income fund and shall be apportioned and distributed in the same manner as permanent school fund […]
13-14-4. School district contracts with federal agencies–Receipt and expenditure of federal grants. Public school districts in South Dakota are hereby authorized to enter into contracts with federal agencies under the provisions of federal laws to receive grants of federal funds, as provided by federal acts and to expend such funds according to the laws and […]
13-14-5. Acceptance of gifts and donations to school districts–Agreements, rules, and regulations. Every school district in this state is hereby empowered to accept, own, manage, and dispose of any grant, gift, devise, or bequest of money, or real or personal property; and the school board of such school district shall have power to enter into […]