13-27-1. Responsibility of person controlling child–High school equivalency test preparation program–Kindergarten–Transfer from another state. Any person having control of a child, who is not younger than five or older than six years old by the first day of September, or any child who, by the first day of September, is at least six years old, […]
13-27-1.1. Religious exemption after eighth grade. A child of compulsory school age who has successfully completed the first eight grades is excused from compulsory school attendance under §13-27-1 if: (1)The child or the parents of the child are members of a recognized church or religious denomination that objects to the regular public high school education; […]
13-27-1.2. Promulgation of rules on high school equivalency testing. The Department of Education may promulgate rules, pursuant to chapter 1-26, to establish high school equivalency testing procedures for children who take the test pursuant to §13-27-1. Source: SL 2009, ch 83, §5; SL 2017, ch 77, §2.
13-27-11. Failure to send child to school as misdemeanor. Any person having control of a child of compulsory school age who fails to have the child attend school, as required by the provisions of this title, or provide alternative instruction pursuant to § 13-27-3, is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor for the first offense. […]
13-27-14. Truancy officer employed by district–Duties–President of board acting where no officer employed. The school board of each school district shall annually appoint and provide for the remuneration of one or more truancy officers, to enforce, under the school board’s direction, the compulsory attendance laws within the district. In a school district failing to provide […]
13-27-15. Attendance records maintained by superintendent or president of board–Reports required. Each superintendent, or the president of the school board in districts without a superintendent, is responsible for maintaining an accurate record of the attendance of all persons of compulsory school age who are enrolled in an accredited school under his or her supervision. The […]
13-27-16. Warnings by school boards to send children to school–Report to truancy officer. Each school board shall warn noncompliant parents or persons in control of children of compulsory school age that the children must enter school and attend regularly, or enroll in a high school equivalency test preparation program in accordance with § 13-27-1, or […]
13-27-17. Investigations and records of truancy officer. Each truancy officer shall carefully check the attendance and nonattendance of all persons required by law to attend school in the district or districts within his jurisdiction and shall keep an accurate record of those persons not in attendance or whose attendance is irregular. Source: SDC 1939, §15.3205; […]
13-27-18. Neglect of duty by superintendent, president of board, school board, or truancy officer–Harboring or employment of truant child–Hindering attendance by child–Misdemeanor. Any superintendent or school board president who fails to make prompt reports on attendance as required by law; any person who harbors or employs a child of compulsory school age who is not […]
13-27-19. Truancy officers–Power–Authority to apprehend–Supervisory control by secretary. Each truancy officer has the powers of a deputy sheriff in the exercise of the officer’s duties, and shall apprehend without warrant children of compulsory school age who absent themselves from the place where the children are enrolled and required to attend without an excuse, and place […]
13-27-2. Child excused from school. A school board of any school district may excuse a child from public school attendance for the reasons set forth in §§13-27-6 and 13-27-6.1. Source: SDC 1939, §15.3202; SL 1955, ch 41, ch 15, §2; SL 1971, ch 116, §1; SL 1981, ch 141, §1; SL 1995, ch 97, §1; […]
13-27-20. Complaints against persons responsible for truancy–Contents of complaint–Verification–Dismissal. Each truancy officer shall make and file truancy complaints, and any teacher, school officer, or any citizen may make and file a truancy complaint, before a circuit court judge, against any person having control of a child of compulsory school age who is not being provided […]
13-27-21. Warrant for arrest of parent, guardian, or responsible person–Summons of witnesses. Upon filing of a complaint, the judge of a circuit court shall issue a warrant of arrest to the sheriff of the county directing him to bring the defendant before the court and to summon witnesses required to ascertain the facts in the […]
13-27-23. Penalties invoked on finding of guilty. If the judge finds the defendant guilty, he shall invoke the penal provisions of §13-27-11 upon the defendant. Source: SL 1955, ch 41, ch 15, §6; SDC Supp 1960, §15.3206; SL 1982, ch 142, §11.
13-27-28. Disobedience of circuit court order as contempt. Any parent, guardian, or person in charge of a child, who refuses or neglects to obey any order of a circuit judge made as provided in this chapter, is, in addition to the penal provisions of §13-27-11, guilty of contempt of court. Source: SDC 1939, §55.4204; SL […]
13-27-29. Placement of child who has attended unaccredited school or alternative program–Appeal. If a child of compulsory school age has been attending an unaccredited school in another state or country or has been receiving alternative instruction pursuant to §13-27-3 enrolls in a public school in this state, the child shall be placed at the child’s […]
13-27-3. Alternative instruction–Notification–Requirements. Upon a filing of a notification with either the Department of Education or the local district from the parent, or guardian, or other person having control of a child, the Department of Education or the local district has been notified that the child is being provided with alternative instruction in the basic […]
13-27-3.1. Birth certificate or affidavit to be submitted–Violation as misdemeanor. Any person who is required pursuant to §13-27-1 to cause any child to attend any public or nonpublic school in this state shall, either at the time of enrollment in any school in this state or within thirty days of initial enrollment, provide the public […]
13-27-3.2. Maintenance of birth certificate by school as permanent record. Any copy of any certified birth certificate provided pursuant to §13-27-3.1 shall be maintained by the public or nonpublic school and shall be a part of the child’s permanent cumulative school record. Source: SL 1988, ch 142, §2; SL 2000, ch 81, §2; SL 2021, […]
13-27-3.3. Report to district school board of children for whom birth certificate not furnished–Board to notify state’s attorney. The superintendent of any public or nonpublic school or any person who provides alternative instruction in this state who maintains a child’s permanent cumulative school record shall within thirty days of enrollment report to the school board […]