13-52-1. Acceptance and administration of gifts by regents–Application to specific purposes. Notwithstanding the provisions of §5-24-12, the Board of Regents as constituted by chapter 13-49, may accept, receive, and administer gifts, other than of real property and of funds for building purposes, made for the benefit of any institution of higher education under its control […]
13-52-2. Certification by attorney general of freedom from obligations on state–Legislative approval required for gifts of real property and building funds. Gifts that would impose any present or future legal obligations upon the state or its administrative agencies shall not be accepted, received, or administered under §13-52-1 until the attorney general of this state certifies […]
13-52-3. Acceptance of federal gifts–Governor’s approval required–Buildings to be on real property owned by institution. In order to effectuate and make more workable the provisions of §§13-52-1 and 13-52-2, authority is hereby granted to the Board of Regents to accept gifts of buildings, or other property, real or personal, and of funds for building purposes, […]
13-52-4. Acceptance and use of federal funds for operational purposes and improvements. The South Dakota State Board of Regents shall be authorized to accept, control, and use on behalf of the several institutions of this state under its supervision, any federal funds available for equipment, faculty, or administrative salaries, educational services, buildings, building repairs, and […]
13-52-5. Acceptance and use of federal funds for student aid and special educational programs. The South Dakota State Board of Regents shall be authorized to accept, control, and use on behalf of the several institutions of this state under its supervision, any federal funds, grants-in-aid, subventions, or other financial aids that are available to such […]
13-52-6. Direct endowments–Uses limited. All endowments, gifts, and bequests made directly to any state institution of higher education, and the income therefrom, shall belong to and be used only by that institution. Direct endowments, gifts, and bequests, including those received indirectly by foundations affiliated with an institution, may not be used to reduce its state […]