13-58-1. Name and location–Control by Board of Regents–Programs of instruction. Designated as South Dakota’s Land-grant University, South Dakota State University, formerly the State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts, located at Brookings, in Brookings County, shall be under the control of the Board of Regents and shall provide undergraduate and graduate programs of instruction in […]
13-58-11. Agricultural experiment station continued–Control by Board of Regents. The agricultural experiment station in connection with the South Dakota State University for the purpose of conducting experiments in agriculture, according to the terms of section 1 of an act of Congress, approved March 2, 1887, and entitled “An Act to establish agricultural experiment stations in […]
13-58-11.1. Agricultural experiment stations–Assent to federal act–Acceptance of grants. In conformity to an act of Congress approved February 24, 1925, and entitled “An Act to authorize the more complete endowment of Agricultural Experiment Stations, and for other purposes” the assent of the Legislature of the State of South Dakota is hereby given to all the […]
13-58-13. Animal disease research and diagnostic laboratory established–Supervision by Board of Regents. The State Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory is hereby established and shall be maintained at South Dakota State University under the supervision and direction of the State Board of Regents. Source: SL 1967, ch 282, §1.
13-58-14. Director of animal disease laboratory–Employment of personnel. The Board of Regents, upon recommendation of the president of South Dakota State University, shall employ a competent person to direct the laboratory to be known as the director of the State Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory and shall employ such assistants and other employees required […]
13-58-15. Direction of animal disease research activities–Cooperation with Animal Industry Board. It shall be the duty of the director to direct the activities of the State Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory in the conduct of studies, research, and diagnoses with respect to animal diseases, and to work in conjunction and in cooperation with the […]
13-58-16. Budget for animal disease laboratory–Submission to Board of Regents and Legislature. The president of South Dakota State University and the Diagnostic Laboratory Advisory Committee shall prepare a budget for the operation of the laboratory which the president shall present to the Board of Regents and to the Legislature. Source: SL 1967, ch 282, §3; […]
13-58-17. Fees charged for animal diagnostic services–Revolving account. Such fees and charges as may be made for diagnostic services by the laboratory shall be determined in conjunction with, and after consultation with, representatives of the livestock industry or special industry groups directly affected by such fees or charges. The laboratory is authorized to establish a […]
13-58-19. South Dakota Art Museum. The South Dakota Art Museum is the property of the State of South Dakota. The purpose of the museum is to house pieces of art, sculpture, etchings, and other important cultural items belonging to the State of South Dakota and South Dakota State University or selected by the South Dakota […]
13-58-25. Sale of real property to fraternal organizations–Reversion. The Board of Regents is hereby authorized to convey by sale real property constituting a part of the campus at South Dakota State University at Brookings, South Dakota, on such terms as the board shall deem advisable, to nationally chartered fraternal organizations whose purpose in buying such […]