13-62-1. Location of school–Control by Board of Regents–Purpose. The State School for the Deaf, located at Sioux Falls, in Minnehaha County, shall be under the control of the Board of Regents and so maintained and managed as to afford an appropriate education to those persons entitled to its benefits. Source: SDC 1939, §55.4101; SL 1953, […]
13-62-11. Transportation allowance. Transportation shall be as provided in §13-37-8.9. Source: SDC 1939, §55.4103; SL 1953, ch 296, §3; SL 1975, ch 128, §374.
13-62-12. Funds and property applied to benefit of school. It shall be the duty of the Board of Regents to apply all funds, effects, and property which may be received, faithfully to the use and benefit of the school. Source: SDC 1939, §55.4102 (4); SL 1953, ch 296, §2.
13-62-13. Academic year of school. It shall be the duty of the Board of Regents to fix the period of the academic year of such school, which shall be in compliance with §§13-26-1 to 13-26-6, inclusive. Source: SDC 1939, §55.4102 (5); SL 1953, ch 296, §2; SL 1975, ch 128, §375.
13-62-14. Rules for operation of school. It shall be the duty of the Board of Regents to make rules, in compliance with chapter 1-26, as may be necessary for the efficient government and operation of the school. Source: SDC 1939, §55.4102 (6); SL 1953, ch 296, §2; SL 1975, ch 128, §376.
13-62-15. Lease of buildings for commercial purposes–Use of lease income. The Board of Regents may lease for commercial purposes portions of School for the Deaf buildings that are no longer regularly and actively used by the School for the Deaf in the conduct of school’s operations. The purposes, terms, and conditions of each lease shall […]
13-62-2. Superintendent, instructors, and staff–Qualifications. The Board of Regents shall employ a superintendent and such instructors and staff as may be necessary for the State School for the Deaf. The superintendent and the instructional staff shall have professional knowledge concerning the educational needs of students with sensory disabilities. The superintendent shall work towards increasing knowledge […]
13-62-3. Bond of superintendent. The superintendent shall give a bond to the state in the amount which shall be fixed by the Board of Regents for the faithful discharge of his duties, which bond shall be approved, recorded, and filed according to the provisions of this code relating to the official bonds of state officers. […]
13-62-4. Duties of superintendent–Employment and compensation of other personnel. The Board of Regents shall prescribe the duties of the superintendent and shall have the power to employ and fix compensation of all other employees at the school. Source: SDC 1939, §55.4102 (2); SL 1953, ch 296, §2; SL 1975, ch 128, §372.
13-62-5. Preservation of school buildings and property. It shall be the duty of the Board of Regents to preserve and care for buildings, grounds, and all the property belonging to the school. Source: SDC 1939, §55.4102 (1); SL 1953, ch 296, §2.
13-62-6. Persons entitled to admission to school–Admission of nonresident pupils. All persons under twenty-one years of age, whose hearing impairment precludes successful educational benefits of public schools, who are residents of the state, and capable of receiving instruction are eligible for programs provided by the state school for the deaf. Any person who is not […]