32-20A-6. Operation in ditch permitted–Crossing of roadways restricted–Violation as misdemeanor. A duly registered and licensed snowmobile may be operated in the right-hand or left-hand ditch on state designated snowmobile trails, and in the right-hand ditch outside the roadway of other than interstate highways, but not upon or across any highway except as provided by §32-20A-7. […]
32-20A-7. Conditions permitting operation on roadways–Unauthorized operation as misdemeanor. A snowmobile may be operated upon or across a roadway: (1)To cross at right angles to the roadway only after stopping and yielding the right-of-way to all approaching traffic and crossing as closely as possible to an intersection or approach; (2)When there is no ditch along […]
32-20A-8. Permit to operate on closed or posted roadway. A permit authorized under subdivision 32-20A-7(4) may be issued to persons, or associations or clubs formed by owners of snowmobiles, to be operated upon roadways which are closed to travel by other motor vehicles or which during the hours of use by snowmobiles will be adequately […]
32-20A-9. Restrictions on use within municipality. Nothing contained in §§32-20A-4 to 32-20A-7, inclusive, shall grant to the operator of a snowmobile any rights or privileges to operate within the corporate limits of a municipality, and nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the municipality from regulating by ordinance the operation of snowmobiles within the corporate limits. […]