36-4-1. Board of examiners–Appointment and terms of members–Vacancies. The State Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners, hereinafter called the Board of Examiners, consists of nine members to be appointed by the Governor for terms of three years. No member may serve more than three consecutive full terms. However, appointment to an unexpired term is not […]
36-4-10. Practitioners and officers exempt from chapter–Application to previously licensed physicians. The provisions of this chapter do not apply to commissioned physicians or surgeons of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Hospital Service or of the United States Veterans’ Administration, or the United States Public Health Service in the actual performance of […]
36-4-11. Application for license–Qualifications of licensee–Examination–Educational requirements. Any person desiring to engage in the practice of medicine or osteopathy, surgery, or obstetrics in any of their branches in this state shall apply to the Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners for a license. The application shall contain such information as the board may require by […]
36-4-11.1. Criminal background investigation of applicants for licensure and expedited licensure and licensees under disciplinary investigation. Each applicant for licensure or expedited licensure as a physician in this state shall submit to a state and federal criminal background investigation by means of fingerprint checks by the Division of Criminal Investigation and the Federal Bureau of […]
36-4-12.1. Application of medical or osteopathic college for approval–Inspection. A medical or osteopathic college seeking approval by the Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners shall file with the board an application on forms provided by the board. It shall also provide such other or further information as the board requests in writing. Prior to issuing […]
36-4-12.2. List of approved colleges. The Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners shall keep a written list of all medical and osteopathic colleges which are approved by the board. Source: SL 1985, ch 297, §9.
36-4-12.3. Hearing on refusal to approve college. If a medical or osteopathic college applies to the Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners for approval and complies with all prerequisites, including a proper application, furnishing all information requested in writing, and provisions of the board relative to an on-site inspection, and the board determines not to […]
36-4-12.4. Information furnished by approved colleges. The Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners shall review its written list of approved medical and osteopathic colleges on or before the first day of July each year. The board may require any college on its approved list to submit, in writing, additional information requested by the board. Source: […]
36-4-12.5. Hearing on refusal to renew approval of college. If a medical or osteopathic college has complied with all prerequisites for a renewal of its approval and the Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners decides not to renew the approval of such college, the board shall provide such college with an opportunity for hearing pursuant […]
36-4-13. Hospitals recognized for internship–Inspection by board. “Hospital approved by the board” means a hospital approved by the Board of Examiners pursuant to §36-4-22.1, but a hospital shall not be denied approval without a hearing by the board in compliance with chapter 1-26, and the board may for the purpose of such hearing inspect said […]
36-4-15. False or fraudulent diploma or affidavit as misdemeanor. Any person who submits to the Board of Examiners any false, forged, or fraudulent diploma or one of which he is not the lawful owner, or any false or forged affidavit of identification for the purpose of obtaining from such board any license required by this […]
36-4-16. Return of fee on withdrawal of application or failure to examine. The Board of Examiners shall be authorized to return the examination fee in any case where the applicant has withdrawn his application prior to the date fixed for the examination, or where the board for any reason fails to examine an applicant through […]
36-4-17. Written examination required–Discrimination between systems of medicine prohibited–Minimum grade–Reexamination–Fee–Preservation of grades. The examination required by this chapter shall be in writing. The questions on all subjects shall be such as are answered alike by all schools of medicine or osteopathy. No license may be refused any applicant because of adherence to any particular school […]
36-4-17.1. Examination of applicant with dual MD-PhD degree. If the applicant has successfully completed a dual degree MD-PhD program in an institution approved by the board, all of the requirements of §36-4-17 apply. However, the applicant shall pass all parts or steps of the examination within ten years. Source: SL 2009, ch 180, §1.
36-4-18. Grant of license to practice–Type of practice stated on license. To each applicant successfully passing the examination required by this chapter and fulfilling all other requirements of this chapter, the Board of Examiners shall grant a license to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine, surgery, and obstetrics in all of their branches, without limitations, in […]
36-4-19. License based on certificate from national board or another state–Fee. The Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners may, without examination, issue a license to any applicant holding a currently valid license or certificate issued to the applicant by the examining board of the District of Columbia, any state or territory of the United States, […]
36-4-19.1. Contents of application for license based on certificate from national board or another jurisdiction–Consideration by board. Applicants for license under the provisions of §36-4-19 shall subscribe to an oath in writing before an officer authorized by law to administer oaths, which shall be a part of such application, and the oath shall be made […]
36-4-2. Composition of board–Qualifications of members. The Board of Examiners shall include six doctors of medicine holding a degree of M.D., and one doctor of osteopathy holding the degree of D.O. The members of the board shall be licensed in the State of South Dakota, and shall be skilled and capable physicians in good standing. […]
36-4-2.1. Lay members of board–Appointment and term of office. The membership of the Board of Examiners shall include two lay members who are users of the services regulated by the board. One lay member may be a nonphysician health care professional licensed by the board. The Governor shall appoint the lay members. The lay members […]
36-4-20. Temporary permits for supervised practice in state institution–Qualifications of applicants–Duration and renewal. If it appears to the State Board of Medical and Osteopathic Examiners by a resolution thereof duly made and adopted, that an urgent need exists in any state-owned and operated medical institution for the services of a practitioner of medicine, surgery, and […]