36-18A-27. Architect licensure qualifications–Certification by National Council of Architectural Registration Boards in lieu of qualifications–Board to establish criteria. Any applicant for licensure as an architect shall provide the following evidence satisfactory to the board: (1)Graduation with an accredited professional degree in architecture; (2)Completion of the national architectural intern development program; and (3)Successful completion of examinations. […]
36-18A-28. Land surveying intern qualifications–Board to establish criteria. Any applicant for enrollment as a land surveying intern shall provide evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has graduated from an accredited surveying or engineering curriculum, or substantially similar experience acceptable to the board and has passed an examination. The examination may be taken during […]
36-18A-29. Land surveyor qualifications–Board to establish criteria. Any applicant for licensure as a land surveyor shall provide the following evidence satisfactory to the board: (1)Graduation from an accredited engineering or land surveying college, university, or technical program with a minimum of twenty credit hours of surveying curriculum, or substituted experience, in whole or part, acceptable […]
36-18A-3. Practice of engineering, design coordination, and engineering studies defined. For the purposes of this chapter, the term, practice of engineering, means the practice or offering to practice of any service or creative work, the adequate performance of which requires engineering education, training, and experience in the application of special knowledge of the mathematical, physical, […]
36-18A-30. Landscape architect qualifications–Certification by Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards in lieu of qualifications–Board to establish criteria. Any applicant for licensure as a landscape architect shall provide the following evidence satisfactory to the board: (1)Graduation from an accredited program of landscape architecture; (2)Completion of a council record from the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration […]
36-18A-31. Petroleum release assessor or remediator–Qualifications–Board to establish criteria. Any applicant for licensure as a petroleum release assessor or remediator shall provide the following evidence satisfactory to the board: (1)Completion of education and experience requirements; and (2)Successful completion of examinations. The board shall promulgate rules pursuant to chapter 1-26 to establish education, experience, and examination […]
36-18A-32. Oral interview–Failure to provide information as grounds for disciplinary action–Interpretation of experience and education. The board may require the applicant to appear for an oral interview if there are questions as to the depth, extent, and quality of any experience. Failure to supply additional evidence or information within thirty days from the date of […]
36-18A-33. Examination requirements–Fees. The board shall admit to examination any candidate who pays a fee, not to exceed two hundred dollars, established by the board and submits an application with evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant satisfies the necessary education and experience requirements. The board may require an applicant for licensure or a […]
36-18A-34. Notice of results–Reexamination–Fees. The board shall notify each applicant of the results of the examination and those entitled to licensure or enrollment. If an applicant fails the examination and the applicant’s application is still current, subsequent reexaminations may be granted upon payment of a fee. The board shall promulgate rules, pursuant to chapter 1-26, […]
36-18A-35. Licensure–Comity consideration–Promulgation of Rules–Fee. The board may give comity consideration to any person who holds a current and valid license issued to that person for active practice by the proper authority in any state or territory of the United States, the District of Columbia, or any foreign country, based on requirements that do not […]
36-18A-36. License issued to successful applicant. The board shall grant a license to any applicant as a professional engineer, architect, land surveyor, landscape architect, petroleum release assessor or remediator, or for any two or more of these titles who has met the requirements of this chapter. Source: SL 1999, ch 195, §36.
36-18A-37. Display of license in place of business–Replacement license. The license shall be displayed in a conspicuous place in the licensee’s principal office, place of business, or place of employment within the state. A duplicate license to replace a lost, destroyed, or mutilated license shall be issued upon payment of a fee established by the […]
36-18A-38. Practice permitted recipient of license–Use of titles–License as evidence. The recipient of a license issued under this chapter may practice engineering, architecture, land surveying, landscape architecture, petroleum release assessment, or petroleum release remediation and use the appropriate title professional engineer, architect, land surveyor, landscape architect, petroleum release assessor, or petroleum release remediator. A licensee […]
36-18A-39. Expiration and biennial renewal of licenses–Continuing professional education. A license expires two years after the date of issuance and becomes invalid on that date unless renewed by that date. Any professional engineer, architect, land surveyor, landscape architect, or petroleum release assessor or remediator licensed under this chapter who desires to continue to practice or […]
36-18A-4. Practice of land surveying defined. For the purposes of this chapter, the term, practice of land surveying, means the practice or offering to practice professional services such as consultation, investigation, testimony evaluation, land-use studies, planning, mapping, assembling, interpreting reliable scientific measurements and information relative to the location, size, shape, or physical features of the […]
36-18A-40. Failure to complete continuing professional development requirements as grounds for nonrenewal–Inactive or retired status. The board may decline to renew a license if an applicant has not completed continuing professional development requirements. A license for a two-year period shall be issued upon completion of the requirements. The board may provide, by rules promulgated pursuant […]
36-18A-41. Advance notice by board of expiration of license, professional development requirements, and fees. The board shall notify by mail any person licensed under this chapter of the date of expiration of the license, the requirement of professional development hours, and the amount of the fee required for renewal. The notice shall be mailed to […]
36-18A-42. Reinstatement of expired license or request for inactive status–Time limits–Requirements for reinstatement. A person or business entity may reinstate an expired license or request inactive status within three years after a license’s date of expiration if the person or business entity is otherwise qualified. The fee for the reinstatement of the license or requesting […]
36-18A-43. Request for inactive or retired status–Fee. Any licensed person may request that the person’s license be placed on inactive or retired status. A fee, not to exceed two hundred dollars, to place files on inactive or retired status shall be determined by the board in rules promulgated pursuant to chapter 1-26. Failure to render […]
36-18A-44. Seal of licensees–Contents–Signature–Certain persons prohibited from using seal. Any licensed professional engineer, architect, land surveyor, and landscape architect shall use an appropriate seal. The seal shall contain the following information: (1)The name, South Dakota; (2)Licensee’s name; (3)License number; and (4)The appropriate title or combination of titles: Professional Engineer, Architect, Land Surveyor, Landscape Architect. The […]