Section 1401 – Title.
20A-11-1401. Title. This part is known as the “Voluntary Contributions Act.” Enacted by Chapter 285, 2001 General Session
20A-11-1401. Title. This part is known as the “Voluntary Contributions Act.” Enacted by Chapter 285, 2001 General Session
20A-11-1402. Definitions. (1) As used in this part: (a) “Ballot proposition” includes constitutional amendments, initiatives, referenda, judicial retention questions, opinion questions, or other questions submitted to the voters for their approval or rejection. (b) (i) “Labor organization” means a lawful organization of any kind that is composed, in whole or in part, of employees and […]
20A-11-1403. Prohibition of required contributions for political purposes. A labor organization may not require any contribution to a candidate, personal campaign committee, political action committee, political issues committee, registered political party, ballot proposition, or political fund as a condition of membership or participation in the labor organization. Repealed and Re-enacted by Chapter 284, 2003 General […]
20A-11-1404. Establishment and administration of political fund. (1) A labor organization wishing to make expenditures for political purposes shall establish a political fund. (2) Each labor organization that establishes a political fund shall: (a) maintain the political fund as a separate, segregated account apart from any account containing money received by a labor organization as […]
20A-11-1406. Enforcement of part — Attorney general. (1) Subject to the requirements of Subsections (2) and (3), the attorney general may bring an action to require the labor organization to comply with the requirements of this part. (2) Before bringing an action under Subsection (1), the attorney general shall: (a) notify the labor organization in […]