20A-11-505.5. Political party financial reporting requirements — General requirements. Nothing in this part requires a registered political party to report contributions and expenditures made to benefit federal candidates and filed with the Federal Election Commission. Enacted by Chapter 355, 1997 General Session
Effective 5/12/2015 20A-11-505.7. Separate account for contributions for registered political party — Anonymous contributions to registered political party or county political party. (1) A registered political party shall deposit a contribution received in one or more separate campaign accounts in a financial institution. (2) A registered political party may not deposit or mingle a contribution […]
Effective 5/14/2019 20A-11-506. Political party financial reporting requirements — Year-end summary report. (1) The party committee of each registered political party shall file a summary report by January 10 of each year. (2) (a) Each summary report shall include the following information as of December 31 of the previous year: (i) the net balance of […]
Effective 5/14/2019 20A-11-507. Political party financial reporting requirements — Interim reports. (1) The party committee of each registered political party shall file an interim report at the following times in any year in which there is a regular general election: (a) seven days before the registered political party’s political convention; (b) seven days before the […]
Effective 5/12/2020 20A-11-508. Political party reporting requirements — Criminal penalties — Fines. (1) (a) Each registered political party that fails to file a financial statement by the deadline is subject to a fine imposed in accordance with Section 20A-11-1005. (b) Each registered political party that fails to file an interim report described in Subsections 20A-11-507(1)(b) […]
20A-11-509. Separate account for contributions for county political party. (1) A county political party officer shall deposit a contribution received in one or more separate campaign accounts in a financial institution. (2) A county political party officer may not deposit or mingle a contribution received into a personal or business account. Enacted by Chapter 396, […]
Effective 5/14/2019 20A-11-510. County political party financial reporting requirements — Year-end summary report. (1) A county political party officer of a county political party that has received contributions totaling at least $750, or disbursed expenditures totaling at least $750, during a calendar year shall file a summary report by January 10 of the following year. […]
Effective 5/14/2019 20A-11-511. County political party financial reporting requirements — Interim reports. (1) (a) A county political party officer of a county political party that has received contributions totaling at least $750, or disbursed expenditures totaling at least $750, during a calendar year shall file an interim report at the following times in any year […]
Effective 5/12/2020 20A-11-512. County political party — Criminal penalties — Fines. (1) A county political party that fails to file an interim report described in Subsections 20A-11-511(1)(a)(i) through (iv) before the deadline is subject to a fine in accordance with Section 20A-11-1005, which the chief election officer shall deposit in the General Fund. (2) Within […]
20A-11-513. Termination of duty to report. (1) A registered political party or county political party is subject to year-end summary reporting requirements until the registered political party or county political party has filed a statement of dissolution with the lieutenant governor stating that: (a) the political party is no longer receiving contributions and is no […]