Effective 11/12/2021 20A-13-101.1. Definitions. As used in this part: (1) “Census block” means any one of the 71,207 individual geographic areas into which the Bureau of the Census of the United States Department of Commerce has divided the state of Utah, to each of which the Bureau of the Census has attached a discrete population […]
Effective 3/3/2022 20A-13-101.5. Representatives to the United States Congress — Four representative districts — When elected — District boundaries. (1) (a) The state of Utah is divided into four districts for the election of representatives to the Congress of the United States, with one member to be elected from each Congressional district. (b) At the […]
Effective 11/12/2021 20A-13-102. Congressional districts — Filing — Legal boundaries. (1) (a) The Legislature shall file a copy of the Congressional block equivalency file enacted by the Legislature and the resulting Congressional shapefile with the lieutenant governor’s office. (b) The legal boundaries of Utah’s Congressional districts are contained in the Congressional shapefile on file with […]
Effective 11/12/2021 20A-13-102.2. County clerk, Utah Geospatial Resource Center, and lieutenant governor responsibilities — Maps and voting precinct boundaries. (1) As used in this section, “redistricting boundary data” means the Congressional shapefile in the possession of the lieutenant governor’s office. (2) Each county clerk shall obtain a copy of the redistricting boundary data for the […]
Effective 11/12/2021 20A-13-103. Omissions from maps — How resolved. (1) If any area of the state is omitted from a Congressional district in the Congressional shapefile in the possession of the lieutenant governor’s office, the county clerk of the affected county, upon discovery of the omission, shall attach the area to the appropriate Congressional district […]
Effective 11/12/2021 20A-13-104. Uncertain boundaries — How resolved. (1) As used in this section, “affected party” means: (a) a representative whose Congressional district boundary is uncertain because the boundary in the Congressional shapefile used to establish the district boundary has been removed, modified, or is unable to be identified or who is uncertain about whether […]