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Home » US Law » 2022 Utah Code » Title 54 - Public Utilities » Chapter 7 - Hearings, Practice, and Procedure

Section 1 – Settlement — Limitation of issues.

54-7-1. Settlement — Limitation of issues. (1) Informal resolution, by agreement of the parties, of matters before the commission is encouraged as a means to: (a) resolve disputes while minimizing the time and expense that is expended by: (i) public utilities; (ii) the state; and (iii) consumers; (b) enhance administrative efficiency; or (c) enhance the […]

Section 1.5 – Communications between commission personnel and parties restricted.

54-7-1.5. Communications between commission personnel and parties restricted. No member of the Public Service Commission, administrative law judge, or commission employee who is or may reasonably be expected to be involved in the decision making process, shall make or knowingly cause to be made to any party any communication relevant to the merits of any […]

Section 10 – Orders on hearings — Time effective.

54-7-10. Orders on hearings — Time effective. (1) Orders of the commission shall take effect and become operative on the date issued, except as otherwise provided in the order. (2) They shall continue in force for the period designated in the order, or until changed or abrogated by the commission. Amended by Chapter 161, 1987 […]

Section 11 – Complaints by utilities — Procedure.

54-7-11. Complaints by utilities — Procedure. Any public utility may request agency action by the commission on any of the grounds upon which requests for agency action are allowed to be filed by other parties. The commission shall follow the same procedure as in other cases. Amended by Chapter 161, 1987 General Session

Section 12.1 – Depreciation expense.

54-7-12.1. Depreciation expense. In determining the depreciation expense of a telephone corporation in any proceeding under Section 54-7-12, the commission shall consider all relevant factors, including the alteration of asset lives to better reflect changes in the economic life of plant and equipment used to provide telecommunications services. A relevant factor to consider shall be […]

Section 12.8 – Electric energy efficiency, sustainable transportation and energy, and conservation tariff.

Effective 5/12/2020 54-7-12.8. Electric energy efficiency, sustainable transportation and energy, and conservation tariff. (1) As used in this section: (a) “Demand side management” means an activity or program that promotes electric energy efficiency or conservation, the use of heat pumps, or more efficient management of electric energy loads. (b) “Pilot program period” means a period […]

Section 12.9 – Gross receipts tax decrease on electrical corporations — Tariffs — Procedure.

54-7-12.9. Gross receipts tax decrease on electrical corporations — Tariffs — Procedure. (1) As used in this section: (a) (i) “electrical corporation” includes every corporation, cooperative association, and person, their lessees, trustees, and receivers, owning, controlling, operating, or managing any electric plant, or in any way furnishing electric power for public service or to its […]

Section 13.4 – Alternative cost recovery for major plant addition — Procedure.

54-7-13.4. Alternative cost recovery for major plant addition — Procedure. (1) As used in this section: (a) (i) “Complete filing” means an application filed by a gas corporation or electrical corporation that substantially complies with minimum filing requirements established by the commission, by rule, for cost recovery of a major plant addition. (ii) The commission […]

Section 13.5 – Energy balancing accounts.

Effective 5/5/2021 54-7-13.5. Energy balancing accounts. (1) As used in this section: (a) “Base rates” means the same as that term is defined in Subsection 54-7-12(1). (b) “Energy balancing account” means an electrical corporation account for some or all components of the electrical corporation’s incurred actual power costs, including: (i) (A) fuel; (B) purchased power; […]

Section 13.6 – Low-income assistance program.

Effective 7/1/2022 54-7-13.6. Low-income assistance program. (1) As used in this section: (a) “Eligible customer” means an electrical corporation or a gas corporation customer: (i) that earns no more than: (A) 125% of the federal poverty level for bill payment assistance or 200% of the federal poverty level for any other low-income assistance; or (B) […]

Section 14.5 – Rescission or amendment of orders or decisions.

54-7-14.5. Rescission or amendment of orders or decisions. (1) The commission may, at any time after providing an affected utility notice and an opportunity to be heard, rescind, alter, or amend any order or decision made by the commission. (2) An order rescinding, altering, or amending an original commission order or decision shall have the […]

Section 15 – Review or rehearing by commission — Application — Procedure — Prerequisite to court action — Effect of commission decisions.

Effective 5/12/2020 54-7-15. Review or rehearing by commission — Application — Procedure — Prerequisite to court action — Effect of commission decisions. (1) Before seeking judicial review of the commission’s action, any party, stockholder, bondholder, or other person pecuniarily interested in the public utility who is dissatisfied with an order of the commission shall meet […]

Section 17 – Stay of commission’s order or decision pending appeal.

54-7-17. Stay of commission’s order or decision pending appeal. (1) A petition for judicial review does not stay or suspend the operation of the order or decision of the commission. (2) (a) The court may stay or suspend, in whole or in part, the operation of the commission’s order or decision after at least three […]

Section 18 – Preference of actions and proceedings on courts’ calendars.

54-7-18. Preference of actions and proceedings on courts’ calendars. (1) The courts of this state shall consider, hear, and determine all actions and proceedings under this chapter, and all actions and proceedings to which the commission or the state of Utah is a party, in which any question arises under this title or under or […]

Section 19 – Valuation of utilities — Procedure — Findings conclusive evidence.

54-7-19. Valuation of utilities — Procedure — Findings conclusive evidence. (1) (a) In determining the value, or revaluing the property of a public utility as required by Section 54-4-21, the commission may hold hearings. (b) The commission may make a preliminary examination or investigation into the matters designated in this section and in Section 54-4-21 […]

Section 2 – Process — Service — Fees.

54-7-2. Process — Service — Fees. The process issued by the commission or any commissioner shall extend to all parts of the state, and may be served by any person authorized to serve process of courts of record, or by any person designated for that purpose by the commission or a commissioner. The person executing […]

Section 21 – Commission charged with enforcing laws — Attorney general to aid.

54-7-21. Commission charged with enforcing laws — Attorney general to aid. The commission shall see that the provisions of the Constitution and statutes of this state affecting public utilities, the enforcement of which is not specifically vested in some other officer or tribunal, are enforced and obeyed, and that violations thereof are promptly prosecuted and […]